Current Issue: January/February 2021 – Vol. 114
“I am with you always”
“Go and make disciples of all the nations… And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19,20
Table of Contents
- In This Issue: “I am with you always to the end of the ages”
- The Word Became Flesh – What the Incarnation Means for Us, by Steve Clark
- With Christ, the Word Made Flesh – “Eternity Has Entered Time” by Raniero Cantalamessa
- Rich Towards God, by Tom Mangan
- “Abide with Me,” by Andy Pettman
- “You did not choose me, I chose you,” A reflection by Br. Joe Donovan
- Choosing Discipleship at Every Stage of Life, by Bob Tedesco
- Covid-19 – A Sign from God? By Bruce Yocum
- A People in Exile, A reflection by Joanie Nath
- God Transforms Our Weakness into Strength – The Example of Simon Peter, by Jeanne Kun
- Be Radiant Lights as You Stand with Christ, from a Sermon by Gregory of Nazianzus
- Man on a Mission – An interview with Mike Koval by Koinonia Director James Munk
- Looking Back on My Kairos GAP Mission Year, by Elisha Miranda
- A Dawning Light for the Burnt-Out Heart, by Amy Hughes
- An Irish Springtime, by Tadhg Lynch
- More Is Less, and Less Is More, by Tom Caballes
- Giving God My Emptiness, by Sam Williamson
- The Sword of the Spirit Week of Prayer and Reflections for Christian Unity: January 18 – 25, 2021, edited by Andy Pettman and Brother Joe Donovan
- The Holy Spirit Empowers Us to Pray and Strive Towards Unity in Love, by Efrain Calderon
- United in Love and Prayer, A Joint Testimony by Christiane Lewerentz and Monse Arellano
- Growing Up in Ecumenical Christian Community, by James Munk
- A Way of Life Sustained by Spirit-Inspired Brotherly Love, by John Hughes
- Preparing for a Fruitful Forty Days of Lent – Some Spiritual Reading Resources