- A Vision for Christian Community, A Brief Overview of Steve Clark’s Life, by Michael Shaughnessy
Living Bulwark Magazine • February / March 2024 • Vol. 134
Communities of Light, Truth, and Grace
You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Matthew 5:14
If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free
John 8:31,32
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God
Ephesians 2:8
Table of Contents
- In This Issue: Together in Prayer to Advance His Kingdom
- “Bear Fruit” – (It’s Not an Option), by Bob Tedesco
- “Forgiven” and “Loving Much,” by Tom Caballes
- Four Absolutes, by Dave Touhill
- A God’s-eye View of Reality, by Paul Beckman
- “Attend to Thyself” – Attentiveness and Digital Culture by Fr. Maximos Constas
- On God’s Providence, An Essay on Aquinas’ Literal Exposition on Job – Part 2, by John Yocum
- Communities of Grace and Common Life Under the Word, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Communities of Light, by Charles Colson
- Faith and Hearing the Word of Christ, by Carlos Alonso Vargas
- Are You Ready for Such a Time as This? By Harry Lowe
- Chasing the Mountaintops of God’s Grace, by Paul Michael Graham
- God’s Design for Relationships, by Bob Tedesco
- Two Sorts of Ecumenical Knowledge, by Andrew Pettman
- On God’s Providence in Human Affairs: An Essay on Aquinas’ Literal Exposition, Part 1, by John Yocum
- Parable of the Workers in the Lord’s Vineyard –“The last will be first, and the first last” – by Ellen Gryniewicz
- Discipleship and the Cross – A Selection of Readings from Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- If God is the Treasure, What’s Your Field? A Reflection by Christiane Lewerentz
- The Final Surrender, by Mike Shaughnessy
- Together in Prayer to Advance His Kingdom, by Trevor Perry
- Relate in Love, Think in Love, Work in Love, by Monique Reichberger
- No Regrets and Living with Integrity by Tom Caballes
- Serving Christ in All Our Labors, by Patricia Ong
- Preparing for a Fruitful Forty Days of Lent – Some Spiritual Reading Resources