New Songs of Worship by the Brotherhood of Hope

Scriptural music has always been a central part of the life and worship of the Brotherhood of Hope. Throughout the years we’ve been blessed to write and produce worship songs to share with friends, and many others. They’ve been aired by major stations like the BBC, EWTN, Ave Maria Radio, and Relevant Radio, and they’ve been available on i-Tunes and Spotify. 

We are delighted to share the release of the following 2 songs with you:

The Voice of the Bridegroom

Written by Br. Martin Buganski

Listen to audio clip of the song:

Produced by Sergott Musical Productions 

“Behind the lyrics” with Br. Martin –


Hi, my name is Br. Martin Buganski and I want to talk with you for a moment about the song, “Voice of the Bridegroom,” and explain to you a little bit of where it came from. I wrote this song a couple years ago during the Advent season in preparation for Christmas.

One of the main inspirations comes to us because John the Baptist is a patron of our Brotherhood. Most of the lyrics of the song are inspired by different scenes from John the Baptist’s life, particularly centering on the Gospel of John, Chapter 3.

Just to read the section, starting in verse 29 and 30:

“The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The best man,” speaking of himself, “who stands and listens for him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice. So this joy of mine has been made complete. He must increase, I must decrease.”

So really the idea for the song is that the Brothers ourselves as we sing it, and really anyone who sings it, then sings it in the voice and in the spirit of John the Baptist, who rejoices at the bridegroom, Jesus’ voice as He comes.

We sing with him that we want to prepare a way for the Lord.

We sing with him when he says the words “Behold the Lamb of God.”

We sing with him when we say we stand and wait for Jesus, that “He would increase and we would decrease.”

So really the whole song is one of rejoicing at the coming of the Lord. It’s a song that can be sung in the Advent season, and I hope it’s a song that can be sung at any time of year, that we rejoice as the Lord comes, that we want to be His servants, and that we are ready for His coming to be celebrated with joy.


Let us rejoice! 
Rejoice, at the voice of the Bridegroom! 
Behold He comes, the Lamb of God. 
With joy we await His drawing near us. 
Come Lord Jesus, come! x2

A voice is crying out: 
“Prepare a way for Him.” 
Open up your hearts, 
Let the King of Glory in! 


Behold the Lamb of God,
Now our joy complete. 
May our lives decrease, 
That He may increase.


We stand and wait for Him, 
As servants of the Lord. 
Glad to hear His voice, 
And obey His word. 

Refrain x2
Come Lord Jesus, come! 

Song of Moses and the Lamb

Written by Br. Ted Psemeneki

Listen to audio clip of the song:

Produced by Sergott Musical Productions 

“Behind the lyrics” with Br. Ted –


Hello, I’m Br. Ted. I wanted to give an introduction to the “Song of Moses and the Lamb.” This song originated from my reflection on Revelation 15, which shows up in the Liturgy of the Hours (the prayer of the Church) and it says this: 

Great and wonderful are your works, Lord God Almighty!
Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations. 
Who will not fear you Lord, or glorify your name? 
For you alone are Holy. 
All nations will come and worship before you. 
For your righteous acts had been revealed. 

And Revelation 15:3 says: 

This is the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb.

This led me to reflect on the song of Moses, which in Exodus 15 says this:

I will sing to the Lord, for he is gloriously triumphant. 
Horse and chariot he has cast into the sea.
My strength and my courage is the Lord, and he has been my savior. 
He is my God, I praise him; the God of my father, I extol him. 
The Lord is a warrior, Lord is his name. 
Pharaoh’s chariots and army he hurled into the sea.

And these two passages act, in some ways, as the bookends of salvation history; from the beginning, God freeing his people from pharaoh’s bondage and leading them through the Red Sea, and at the end, when Jesus will come again in glory. 

We are somewhere in the midst of this story of salvation history and we enter into that, and in the same way, we can know God’s victory. We can know God’s victory for salvation in our own life. This song is a reminder that we can rely on God’s strength for this salvation. 


The Lord is a warrior.
Lord is His name! 
Glorious in triumph;
Let us sing to Him. 
The Lord will reign forever. 

Mighty and wonderful are your works, 
Lord, Almighty God! 
Righteous and true are all your ways, 
King of the nations! 


You alone are the Holy One;
To you all nations will come.
Your righteous deed are clearly seen: 
Worship is due your name. 


For who would refuse you honor O Lord?
For it is due your name. 

He will reign forever. Amen! 

You can listen to our new music by visiting, iTunes, Spotify and other major streaming sites. We hope that our music brings hope and inspiration to many communities in the Sword of the Spirit!

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