It’s a Free Country

In his Second Letter to Timothy, Paul reminds Timothy of the cost involved in freely choosing to “enlist” in the Lord’s service:

 “No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.” 

2 Timothy 2:4

I often hear people in my country say, “It’s a free country” to justify doing whatever they want, like jumping off a cliff.

Paul seems to have a different perspective. He reminds Timothy, Remember, you enlisted in the Lord’s army, so you cannot get ‘entangled in civilian pursuits.’ ‘This is not a ‘free country’. Your choices have consequences. You are no longer a civilian. Rather, you are a soldier on mission for the Lord Jesus Christ!

If you hear Jesus’ call to join his spiritual army will you say’ yes’? It’s a free country! You can do whatever you want. You can actually say, “no thank you!” But wait! Why say ‘no’ to the invitation of the King of Kings? Why say ‘no’ to the invitation of the one who saved us from our sins and who promises us eternal life?

Will you say’ yes’? It’s a free country anyway!

See related reflections:

Top image credit: Graphic artwork with Bible verse from 2 Timothy 2:3-4, by © Used with permission.

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