Ecce Homo! – Behold the Man!, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer The Cross of Christ – the Measure of the World, by John…
Psalm 133 Behold, how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured…
In this issue: The Scriptures describe God’s Word like a fire that draws a lonely searching traveler to its warm…
Surrender to God: An orientation to Lent, by John Henry Newman The Spiritual Meaning of Fasting, by Carlos Alonso Vargas…
“Father, I pray that they all may be one, just as You are in Me, and I in You. May…
Introduction In the gospel of Matthew, we are presented with the statement that wise men, drawn to the light of…
Intro to this issue Do you want to know the mind and heart of God? And to grow in the…
Advent Reflections and Meditations O Antiphons of Advent and Praising the Names of Jesus, by Jeanne Kun Weekly Advent Prayers and Advent wreath…
Only one Word can truly satisfy a hungry world Words have impact – they have power to change hearts and…
Intro to this Issue Do you believe that God has all power over everything he has created – including earth…