44 The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then…
Introduction The Christmas and Epiphany season commemorates the events of the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ: his nativity, circumcision…
Advent and Christmas reflections Recent additions and updates (December 2023) Advent Reflections and Meditations Christmas and Epiphany Reflections and Meditations Poems…
I stand at the door and knock – if your heart is open to hear my voiceand you open the…
Building well with the master-builder’s vision and plan Sometime after the great fire of London which had destroyed most of…
A Founder and Spiritual Father who transmitted spiritual life to new leaders of covenant communities by Carlos Alonso Vargas I…
“You have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God … and to Jesus, the Mediator…
Reflections on the Letter to the Hebrews Chapter 11 The Meaning of Faith 1 Now faith is the assurance of things…
By Don Schwager St Jerome, a 4th century Bible scholar who translated the Bible into the common language of his time,…
Top image credit: composite photos of Steve Clark © Servants of the Word and Sword of the Spirit. Don SchwagerDon…