Christ’s Passion and Death on the Cross Christ’s Resurrection and Reflections for the Easter Season Top image: The Incredulity of Saint…
Meditations on the Four Gospel Accounts Gospel of Matthew Part 1 for Holy Week: Matthew 21:1-27, Matthew 26:1-25 Part 2…
Reflections from early Christian writers “Hunger and thirst for righteousness” (4th-5th century) To hunger and thirst for righteousness is to desire…
Top photo image of cross, bible, candle, and dried fruit, from, © by New Africa, stock photo ID: 410101093. Don SchwagerDon…
44 The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then…
Introduction The Christmas and Epiphany season commemorates the events of the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ: his nativity, circumcision…
Advent and Christmas reflections Recent additions and updates (December 2023) Advent Reflections and Meditations Christmas and Epiphany Reflections and Meditations Poems…
I stand at the door and knock – if your heart is open to hear my voiceand you open the…
Building well with the master-builder’s vision and plan Sometime after the great fire of London which had destroyed most of…
A Founder and Spiritual Father who transmitted spiritual life to new leaders of covenant communities by Carlos Alonso Vargas I…