February 2007 - Vol. 5
Your Mind Matters by Steve Clark, President of the Sword of the Spirit
Fear of the Lord, by Bruce Yocum, The Servants of the Word, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Worship Is Our Service to God: worship is at the heart of the Christian life: Part II in a series on a scriptural orientation to worship, by Mike Shaughnessy, The Servants of the Word, Lansing, Michigan, USA
Reading the Parables of Jesus: an orientation to understanding the parables, by Don Schwager, The Servants of the Word, London, United Kingdom
Campus Evangelism on the Rebound at the University of Michigan, by Joshua Birk, a student member of University Christian Outreach in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
House of Light and Hope: reaching out to troubled youth and homeless children in Lebanon, by Dr. Robert Caracache, Beirut, Lebanon
20 Days... One God" living with the poor in a Bataan bario, by Ian Belmonte, Manila, Philippines
Nature Painted With Grace: landscapes of Lebanon by David Kurani, The People of God, Beirut, Lebanon
Sing a New Song to the Lord: inspired songs of praise from Jesed Music Ministry, by Ana Teresa Carranza, Monterrey, Mexico

Living Bulwark is committed to fostering renewal of the whole Christian people: Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox. We especially want to give witness to the charismatic, ecumenical, evangelistic, and community dimensions of that renewal. Living Bulwark seeks to equip Christians to grow in holiness, to apply Christian teachings to their lives, and to respond with faith and generosity to the working of the Holy Spirit in our day.
  Previous Issues
January 2007 - Vol. 4
Do Christians Have Enemies? by Steve Clark, President of the Sword of the Spirit
True Holiness, by Bruce Yocum, The Servants of the Word, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Welcome to Heaven: Our worship of God is meant to transform time and space, making them sacred, by Mike Shaughnessy, The Servants of the Word, Lansing, Michigan, USA
Bringing the Gospels to Life: a way of Christian Meditation, by Jeanne Kun, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
• The Written Word of God: by Steve Clark, President of the Sword of the Spirit
Steps of Faith: sowing seeds of good news among university students, by Mark Jordan, The Servants of the Word, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
On Fire With the Spirit: beginnings of the Illuminator’s Lamp Community, by Nigol and Rozan Sakalian, Beirut, Lebanon
Come Let Us Sing for Joy to the Lord: a song inspired by Psalm 95, by Dan Turner, Antioch Community, London, UK
Meeting of Singers “My Inheritance Is the Lord” an open invitation to be held in Guayaquil, Ecuador, July,2007

December 2006 - Vol. 3
The Real Meaning of Christmas: what the Incarnation means for us by Steve Clark, President of the Sword of the Spirit
Aliens and Exiles: what can first-century Christians teach us about 21st century living? by Bruce Yocum, Belfast, Northern Ireland
The Letter of James and the Season of Advent: Common Themes by Dr. Mark Whitters, Detroit, Michigan, USA
Awaiting the Messiah by Jeanne Kun, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Scripture: Taking the Word to Heart by Steve Clark, President of The Sword of the Spirit
Worship in spirit and truth: a scriptural reflection by Don Schwager, London, UK
How Mission Has Changed Me by Mary Shields, Community of the Risen Christ, Glasgow, Scotland
•  A Time of Grace in Uganda: reflections on a mission trip by Mary Teresa Jackson, Community of the Risen Christ, Glasgow
Called to Community: How the Community of the Risen Christ began in Glasgow, Scotland 25 years ago
Beacons of Hope by Fr. Pat Egan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Reflecting Hope and Redemption Through Art by Yvette Rock, Detroit, Michigan, USA 
His Name Will Be Called a new music video from Songs In His Presence
Uniting the Youth Work of the Sword of the Spirit by Mike Shaghnessy

November 2006 - Vol. 2
A Time of War, a Season of Grace by Jean Barbara, Beirut, Lebanon
Journey to Neighbor by Dave Quintana, Belfast, Northern Ireland
The Son of Man by Carlos Mantica, Managua, Nicaragua
Is Christianity a Culture? by Steve Clark, President of The Sword of the Spirit
Rooted in God's Word by Jeanne Kun, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
The Heart of David by Mike Shaugnhessy, Lansing, Michigan, USA
The Reluctant Evangelist by Steve Clark, President of The Sword of the Spirit
•  Discovering Christ at the University of Michigan by Zach Mabee, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Harambee Mission Trip to Uganda, by Paul Jordan
Family Night by Howard Distzelweig, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Expressing Eternal Truth in Welded Form by Marianne Kantert, a sculptress from Brots des Lebens, Olching, Germany 
Training for Victory! equipping youth leaders for today's spiritual battle by David Mijares, Monterrey, Mexico
Single Women, Women of Hope by Yselle Callo, Ligaya ng Panginoon Community, Manila, Philippines

October 2006 - Vol. 1
Good Teacher by Carlos Mantica, Managua, Nicaragua
Lord, you know that I love you by Bishop George Bakouni of Tyre, Lebanon PLUS UPDATE ON WAR AFTERMATH
The Life of a Disciple: commentary on the Beatitudes by Steve Clark, President of The Sword of the Spirit
Mere Christian Community by Steve Clark, President of The Sword of the Spirit
Savoring God's Word by Jeanne Kun, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Four Profiles in Discipleship in the Gospel of John by Dr. Mark Whitters, Detroit, Michigan, USA
A Window of Opportunity: witnessing to university students by Nico Angleys, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Ezekiel's Call and Ours by Mercy Potter, London, United Kingdom
Unity and Diversity: The Lamb of God Community in New Zealand, by Roger Foley, Christchurch, NZ
Streams in a Thirsty Land: a personal experience of the war in Lebanon by Brian Shell, Beirut, Lebanon
Road to Emmaus: painting with the eyes of faith by John Dunne, Dublin, Ireland 
In His Presence: a new season of grace for songs of worship by Jane Terwilliger, Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA
The Redeemer: Bible Week 2006 by Gavin Walsh, London, United Kingdom
Fulness of Life: a Retreat for Single Women by Myriam Torres, Ypsilanti, Michigan

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