With God All Things Are Possible
Matthew 19:26, Luke 1:37

Intro to this Issue

Do you believe that God has all power over everything he has created – including earth as well as the heavens? 

The Scriptures tell us that God is all powerful. He created us to share in his glory and he wants us to exercise the authority and power he gives us – so that we may serve him first above all else and seek to advance his kingdom wherever he wishes to place us and use us for his greater honor and glory.

We pray in the prayer Jesus gave us,

β€œThy kingdom come and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

What might hold us back or weaken our exercise of faith – individually or corporately as a Christian body of disciples who want to follow Jesus Christ? Hopefully this issue will give you encouragement and inspiration to earnestly seek the Lord for a greater increase in faith, hope, and love.

This issue focuses on growing in expectant faith – faith that not only believes and trusts in God – but that expects God to act in and through us so that we may bear more fruit in loving and serving God and our neighbor – and be more effective in witnessing the power of the Gospel to others as well.

Be sure to make time to read and reflect on the articles written by seasoned Christian teachers who have exercised expectant faith in their personal lives and in fruitful service for the Lord, as well as testimonies and lessons from those who are earnestly seeking to grow in expectant faith and trust in God’s promises.

Your brother and servant in Christ,

Don Schwager

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