Only Jesus Christ Can Transform You

The Lord Jesus Christ will change our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power which enables him even to subject all things to himself.” 

Philippians 3:21

Sometimes we think that everything is down to us. We may struggle in worry over our future or the cruelty of the world. When we do, we forget that it is to God’s glory that we are aiming –not our own glory. If we can only glorify ourselves, we no longer need him. If we can only glorify ourselves, Eternal Life, being transformed by the Resurrection, becomes a bonus to us, not the destination. 

We must remember that all our benefits, like the mastery we have over this world, are temporary and cannot lead us to God. They are free gifts of grace under him. 

Only God holds the universe in his hands. But, in a funny way, we will be able to excel and do our best knowing that our ‘lowly bodies’ are but temporary. It makes us want to serve God and others all the more if we know that the reward is to walk with God. There’s no need to spend time today worrying over the world, the woes of life, the struggles of humanity, because Jesus holds all in his hands. Instead, maybe we should look up, see our neighbour, and bring to them the hope that we have been given. 

It is this glorious hope that has transformed the world – built hospitals, established law, brought about the arts, and allowed humanity to be free as subjects of God. Today, be free in him – only he can transform you.

Top image credit: Christ Ruler of All, watercolor artwork by David Kurani, People of God Community, Lebanon.

1 thought on “Only Jesus Christ Can Transform You”

  1. Instead of “Worry about the world,: we, I believe, must be CONCERNED, especially about the poor, hungry, homeless, and those in need. For better or for worse, however, I worry a great deal about those in need, especially the homeless, when the nearby wealthy churches in my area have NO ministry for those in need, especially the homeless!

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