Sending His Word Today

In the book of Isaiah, chapter 55, it says,

“So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”

Isaiah 55:11

When we talk about conveying our words, we mention activities like speaking or writing.

Only occasionally do we say that someone “sent word.” But here the Lord not only “sends word” to the earth – he sends that Word on a mission. He expects it to go and get something done in his behalf.

A person can send word in more than one way. He can send it in the form of a message, like a letter or a voicemail. And that usually works quite well for messages that are relatively straightforward. But a more delicate message often requires that we send not only a message, but a person. That’s what diplomats and negotiators and matchmakers and all other sorts of intermediaries are for.

That’s what God did to restore his estranged sons and daughters: he sent a person, Christ Jesus the Word of God. And he got the job done. When the Word returned to the Father, he didn’t come back empty-handed, but with his arms laden with the souls of those who believed.

Now the Lord has also sent his people today with his message. So I ask you this: When God sends you forth with the Gospel, will you accomplish the purpose for which he sent you?

This reflection by Joseph Mathias is excerpted from the Pray by Day column featured in the Sword of the Spirit website.

Top image credit: Two women discuss the Word of God together, from, © by Jantanee, stock photo ID: 377592574. Used with permission.

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