Previous Articles: Life in Community
Unity and Diversity: The Lamb of God Community in New Zealand, by Roger Foley
A Taste of heaven Together: On holiday with 17 communities, by Tadhg Lynch, Dublin, Ireland 
Thirty Years Jerusalem: God's call to covenant community, by Sam Geleyn, Leuven, Belgium
Journey to Covenant Community, by Jean-Francois Collet, Brussels, Belgium 
Planted by His Kind Hands: Árbol de Vida celebrates 30th, by Claire de Mézerville, Costa Rica 
Charis Community Belfast: unity and reconciliation, by Gary McFadden, Belfast, Northern Ireland
The Work of Christ Community, by Jerry Munk, Lansing, Michigan, USA 
A Transgenerational Call: building communities for generations to come, by Bob Tedesco
Word of Life: a community of disciples on mission, by Jon Wilson, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Called Together: reflections on the beginning of covenant community, by Don Schwager
Once No People, Now God's People: the People of God in Pittsburgh, USA, by Connie Maletta
Called to Community: 25th anniversary of Community of the Risen Christ in Glasgow, Scotland 
On Fire With the Spirit: the Illuminator’s Lamp Community in Beirut, by Nigol and Rozan Sakalian
Called for These Times: How the People of God community began in Lebanon
Mere Christian Community, by Steve Clark, President of The Sword of the Spirit
Beacons of Hope, by Fr. Pat Egan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
A Transgenerational Call: building communities for generations to come, by Bob Tedesco
Models of Life: Putting our lives and families under the Lordship of Christ, by Bob Tedesco
Digesting the Word, hearing and obeying God's word as a people, by Tadhg Lynch, Dublin
On Being a Bulwark: A Philosophical Perspective, by Joshua Birk, Detroit
Building a Christian Society - Part I by Steve Clark
Building a Christian Society - Part II, by Steve Clark 
Preparing Children for a Spirit-Filled Life, by Jerry Munk
Child-Centered Parenting, by Paul Dinolfo, Lansing, Michigan, USA
Keeping Faith Alive for Community Kids, by John Yocum, Manila, Philippines 
Choice and Pressure: Helping young men choose for radical discipleship, by John Hughes
What Makes Youth Happy? by Mike Shaughnessy
Parents, Keep Your Kids in the Real World, by Mike Shaughnessy
A Response to God's Call: Women living single for the Lord in our communities, by Mags Tierney
Facing Poverty: reflections on a micro-mission trip to Mexico, by John Hughes
Feast or Famine? Part I: Have we lost our ability to feast? by Bernhard Stock
Feast or Famine? Part II: How should we celebrate? by Bernhard Stock
In the furnace of God's love, by Janice Firn, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
On a Mission to Minnesota, by Barbara Stock, Munich, Germany
Celebrating Life's Blessings, by Beth Melchor, Manila, Philippines
Finding Joy In Seeking God, by Janice Firn, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Gratitude: a debt we can never fully repay, by Francisco Aguilar, Monterrey, Mexico
Manna in the Wilderness, by Ruth Gryniewicz, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
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Living Bulwark is committed to fostering renewal of the whole Christian people: Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox. We especially want to give witness to the charismatic, ecumenical, evangelistic, and community dimensions of that renewal. Living Bulwark seeks to equip Christians to grow in holiness, to apply Christian teaching to their lives, and to respond with faith and generosity to the working of the Holy Spirit in our day.
(c) copyright 2006-2008  The Sword of the Spirit
publishing address: Park Royal Business Centre, 9-17 Park Royal Road, Suite 108, London NW10 7LQ, United Kingdom