No Fear in Love 

In John’s first letter, we read, 

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” 

1 John 4:18

Right before this verse, John says that God is Love and that the one who loves knows God. Anyone who has experienced the love of God in a personal way has known God. Some of us may have grown up hearing about God’s love for us, but if we haven’t experienced it personally it’s as if we do not really know Him.

John tells us that “fear is not part of love.” Whoever loves God trusts in him, fully. Whoever loves God aims to say everything and do everything out of love for God. Whoever loves God does what he does out of a desire to please him, not out of fear of him. It’s just like a son who loves his parents. The son avoids displeasing his parents not because he’s afraid of being scolded or punished, but rather because he loves them.

How have you experienced the love of God in your life? Do you do what you do out of love for God, out of a genuine desire to please him?

This reflection from Malaquias Garcia is excerpted from the Pray by Day column featured in the Sword of the Spirit website.

  • See related articles on love of God and neighbour in Living Bulwark:

Top image credit: An illustrated quote from 1 John 4:18,19,21 with an artistic image from, creative commons free to use license. Combined quote and image created by Living Bulwark staff artist.

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