Living a Life as a Signpost to Heaven 

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says, 

“Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marry for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.” 

Matthew 19:12 (NLT)

A eunuch? Sure. What’s a eunuch? Not married. At the sole service of the King. Hmm. Sounds impossible. Yes. That’s the point. But with every call comes grace.

But why? Practical. Prayer. Prophetic. The apostle Paul seems to emphasize practical availability. Can’t deny that. (I’m married with 5 kids. Believe me – there is a practical advantage). 

Second, there is a dedication in prayer that married folks can’t have. You can only pray according to your call. But the most compelling reason for many is the prophetic witness: living a life as a signpost to heaven.

Christian Marriage points us to the grace of forgiveness. Those who live ‘Single for the Lord’ point us to the life of the age to come. If you sense the seed stirring in you, feed it. It is a good thing to say no to a good thing for the sake of a greater thing. The master is calling.

Top image credit: Hands holding cross raised to heaven, from, © by, stock photo ID:  67321867. Used with permission.

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