Let Your Words Give Life

ā€œLet no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.ā€ 

Ephesians 4:29

Most of what we do in life and most of what leadership is about has to do with relating and talking to others. Words are powerful, for good or for bad. A right word given at the right time can strengthen the weak, encourage the downcast, heal the wounded, lift up the heart and give life. 

I am sure you can recall an occasion in which the words spoken to you made a significant (positive or negative) difference in your life such that you still remember them today. 

The best part is: Your words are available to you all the time! 

What a great tool close at hand to give life, to build-up those who hear us, to add value in all our interactions with others! 

Saying ā€œI believe in youā€ builds others up ā€“ Saying ā€œI trust in youā€ builds others up. Similarly, the simple phrases ā€œI need you,ā€ ā€œIĀ“m proud of you,ā€ ā€œI respect you, and ā€œGod loves youā€ build others up. 

Will you dare to say one of these powerful phrases today ā€“ and make it a life-time habit!

This reflection by David Mijares is excerpted from the Pray by Day App that helps Christians start, strengthen, and sustain a daily prayer habit.

Top image credit: Photo of three guys whispering to one another, from Bigstock.com, Ā© by PathDoc, stock photo ID: 231674020. Used with permission.

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