In his letter to the Romans, Paul the Apostle writes,
“Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”
Romans 10:17
This passage describes in reverse a process we can benefit from – first it mentions the outcome of the process, which is faith. Actually, the first step is the word of Christ, spoken or written; then we hear that word, and finally, as a result, faith is elicited in our hearts.
The word of Christ is, of course, the message about Jesus Christ; but in a deeper sense it can also be “the word that is Christ,” that is, Christ Himself, the eternal Word of God.
Whether we listen to the message of Christ for the first time or in our ongoing Christian life, and whether this message comes to us through a friend or through someone preaching in a Christian setting, or when we read the Scriptures, it is Jesus Christ Himself that is speaking to us. Jesus Christ is the Word of God, and he has the power to generate faith in our hearts.
But, are we really listening? Have we actually opened our hearts to let the word of Christ resound inside us to produce faith? And, more importantly, are we allowing this faith to shape our daily lives and to transform us into better disciples of Jesus Christ?
Top image credit: Christ Pantocrator (Ruler of All), icon from St. Catherine’s Monastery, Mount Sinai, Eqypt, painted in the 500s AD. Image in the public domain.
Carlos Alonso Vargas is a long-time leader in The Sword of the Spirit, who has served mainly in teaching and community building. With studies in philology and linguistics, he works as a translator and editor. He and his wife Dora have three adult children and five grandchildren and live in San José, Costa Rica.