July/August 2008 - Vol. 21
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If Anyone Would Come After Me
by Steve Clark

Jesus is no ordinary master. And what he asks of his disciples is no ordinary commitment.

Revelation in the Boundary Waters: Grandmothers be warned and girls watch out for Amazon Woman!
by Linda Lugginbill, Lansing, Michigan, USA
Where is the Love? by Tadhg Lynch, Dublin, Ireland
The Joke's On You, by James Munk, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
May I Have a Word With You? An Introduction to the Letter to the Hebrews, by Don Schwager, London, UK
How Does God Speak to Us? Reflection on the Letter to the Hebrews – Part 1, by Don Schwager
The Kite Runner: a book review
by Jon Wilson, Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA
An Open Door for Mission: Highlights from the International Coordinators Meeting in Santo Domingo – May 2-6, 2008
Espanol: Una puerta abierta para la misión

Living Bulwark is committed to fostering renewal of the whole Christian people: Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox. We especially want to give witness to the charismatic, ecumenical, evangelistic, and community dimensions of that renewal. Living Bulwark seeks to equip Christians to grow in holiness, to apply Christian teaching to their lives, and to respond with faith and generosity to the working of the Holy Spirit in our day.
Visits since October, 2006

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publishing address: Park Royal Business Centre, 9-17 Park Royal Road, Suite 108, London NW10 7LQ, United Kingdom
email: living.bulwark@yahoo.com