2008 - Vol. 19
> Español
Open Door
Highlights from the
International Coordinators Meeting in Santo Domingo
– May 2-6, 2008
report by Don Schwager, editor
by Nico Angleys
Some 265 coordinators and mission leaders, from 64 communities and 22
countries, came together for the second International Coordinators Meeting
(ICM) of the Sword of the Spirit, which was held in Santo Domingo, Dominican
Republic, May 2-6, 2008. The ICM was graciously hosted by Comunidad
Cuerpo de Cristo (Body of Christ Community) in Santo Domingo.

The focus for the ICM was on moving forward the mission of the Sword
of the Spirit. Kairos mission coordinators and directors – those serving
youth and university students – joined community coordinators in discussing
how mission can be advanced internationally, regionally, and locally throughout
the Sword of the Spirit. There was a renewed sense from the Lord that the
time of harvest is ripe for evangelization and for building Christian communities
– and that the Lord is offering a new door of grace and opportunity for
advancing in mission.
This time of reaching out in mission includes our own children – both
by helping them grow as disciples of Christ and by involving them in outreach. |
from participants
the first strum of the guitar as we began to worship the Lord, I began
to experience a wave of God’s grace crashing over us. Our Father ministering
to his sons, refreshing us, healing us, preparing us for battle. Even though
we worked long days, intense days, I left the ICM with renewed hope and
confidence that our Lord who began a good work in us will bring it to completion.
“Let all proclaim to the glory of God, Jesus Christ is Lord.”
of Hope, New Jersey
me, the ICM was a retreat, a boot camp, and a formative environment. From
the first moment when we gathered together, the Lord's presence was palpable.
Oh what refreshment, to experience God deeply in our worship, and to enjoy
strong brotherly relationships with the other coordinators from around
the world! But above all, our meeting was marked throughout by vigorous
reminders of our call and mission. We received our marching orders from
the Lord: move forward, seize the land, receive God's grace. For many of
the coordinators of Ligaya [Joy of the Lord community in Manila, Philippines]
who were present at the ICM, this international gathering was a much needed
shot in the arm. We pledge ourselves to return to our home community and
lead our brothers and sisters further along in accomplishing our mission.
Community, Manila, Philippines
more participants reflections > here |
The International Coordinators Meeting included times of daily worship,
intercession, reflection on God's word to us, and seeking the Lord together
for renewed vision and empowerment for mission.
The Lord spoke clearly, powerfully, and consistently. He is opening
new doors for mission. As we step out in faith and walk through these doors
we will find the resources needed for mission. The Lord himself goes ahead
to prepare the way for mission. He calls us to risk all for him in stepping
out in faith. He is anointing us in a new way and giving us spiritual gifts
for mission.
The Lord wants his servants to take new ground for mission and to serve
with the spiritual authority and gifts he is pouring out.
For those who have labored for many years and grown weary, he offers
healing, freedom, and fresh empowerment for service. The Lord wants us
to advance and to take our place in the front lines, not holding back out
of fear or the desire to retire to our comfort zones.
In particular the Lord wants the younger generations to step out in
faith and boldness to carry the mission forward. He is looking for a response
of generosity, giving all to him for his glory.
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translator in the ICM
I am sitting
in my translation booth at the ICM in Santo Domingo. I came here to serve
as translator for the Spanish speakers of the Sword of the Spirit. When
you are a member of the Sword of the Spirit, you know what to expect from
an international event: a lot of people, impressive times of worship, getting
up early in the morning, having all your conversations about how your community
works and what outreach you are in. But, as a community kid who was invited
to the international coordinators meeting, I didn’t know what to expect
from this kind of event. And at the end, it doesn’t really matter
what you expect, the Lord does something completely different.
I have
spent four days among the pillars of my community. I have seen the very
guys whose shoulders bear all the weight of the call of God to be a community
of disciples on mission. I have seen them worship together, laugh together,
and sit down in the Lord’s presence to listen him as servants who listen
to their Lord. If I was allowed to say only one thing about my experience
here as a community kid I would say to my generation: Brothers and sisters
from around the Sword of the Spirit, we received from our parents a work
that has cost every drop of sweat and blood in their body. We received
the gift of their sacrifice and their zeal for the call of the Lord. We
cannot let this work die with them. We must take our place as living stones
in the bulwark, and offer our lives as a sacrifice, just like our parents
of Life Community, San Jose, Costa Rica |
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