Previous Articles: Verse and Spirit
Awakened to Eternity: a spiritual journey of poems for Passiontide and Easter, by Jeanne Kun
A Spiritual Journey of Poems for Lent: by Jeanne Kun, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 
Trees by the Stream: a poem by Ana Teresa Carranza, by London, UK
New Springs Rise: poems by Ana Teresa Carranza, London, United Kingdom
Grass, a poem based on Isaiah 40, by Daniel Propson, Detroit, Michigan, USA 
Anna's Heir: a poem of longing for the Lord's Return, by Jeanne Kun
Eternity's Bright Vision: poem and reflection on Jesus' transgifuration, by Jeanne Kun
Zacchaeus' Tall Tale: a poem by Jeanne Kun, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
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Living Bulwark is committed to fostering renewal of the whole Christian people: Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox. We especially want to give witness to the charismatic, ecumenical, evangelistic, and community dimensions of that renewal. Living Bulwark seeks to equip Christians to grow in holiness, to apply Christian teaching to their lives, and to respond with faith and generosity to the working of the Holy Spirit in our day.
(c) copyright 2006-2008  The Sword of the Spirit
publishing address: Park Royal Business Centre, 9-17 Park Royal Road, Suite 108, London NW10 7LQ, United Kingdom