A Large Pearl Collection? The power of the Holy Spirit is not only for us. by Bruce Yocum Making
sacrifices to follow the Lord
This meant that the young man would be earning less money in a week than it cost him to pay for gasoline to drive to his job. This young husband and father is a Christian. I asked him the obvious question, “How can you feed your family and raise your children in an economic situation like this?” “I can’t,” he replied. “What will you do?” I asked him. He smiled and said, “God will take care of me. And so will my brothers and sisters in the Lord.” I often think, “I thank God I am not called to live a life as difficult as that of my Nicaraguan friend.” Aren’t you and I fortunate? We do not have to make those sacrifices to follow the Lord. Or do we? Jesus
and the rich young man
our resources for the Lord
I know many places where the gospel could be preached more effectively if there were more financial resources. Many people could provide us with opportunities to sell all that we have and give it for the Lord’s sake. Or perhaps the issue for us is our time — do we use it primarily for ourselves or for the Lord? Many years ago a young minister, David Wilkerson, felt God calling him to take the time he spent watching television and simply give it to God in prayer. God began to move in his life. Later Wilkerson wrote a book about what God had done for him — The Cross and the Switchblade. Years after that, some young Catholics read that book, and in part because of that, were baptized in the Holy Spirit. These Catholics were instrumental in the beginnings of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, a movement which has now brought new spiritual life to tens of millions. Why did God do this? Why did he act in David Wilkerson’s life? Why did he send the charismatic renewal? For what reason have you and I experienced an outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit? Is it so that we can experience a more comfortable Christian life? Rewritten
George’s rewritten parable points out our great temptation to take the gifts of God and add them to our own personal collection of comfortable advantages and treasures. Why has God poured out his Spirit?
Not just to make our Christian life more pleasant, but to give us the power
to live as disciples of Christ. Through his Holy Spirit God gave that young
man in Nicaragua the power to live for God — joyfully and radically.
Has not God sent the Holy Spirit to us for the same reason?
[Bruce Yocum is President
of Christ the King Association and a member of the International Executive
Council of The Sword of the Spirit. This article was originally published
in New Covenant Magazine, February 1989.]
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