The Enemy of the Full Life in God
by Tom
brothers, whatever is true,
whatever is honorable, whatever is
just, whatever is pure, whatever
is lovely, whatever is
commendable, if there is any
if there is anything worthy of
praise, think about these things."
Philippians 4:8 ESV
One of the consequences of human fallenness is our
susceptibility to lies, suspicions,
discouragement, hopelessness, and negativity. We
easily doubt the motives of the people around us,
and we judge them quickly. We easily get
discouraged when things do not go our way. It is
very convenient for us to be selfish and seek our
own plans rather than to keep the unity of the
body of Christ. But Jesus came to give us life in
its abundance [John 10:10]. God wants us to get
rid of negativity in our lives, which, if we allow
to grow in its fullness, will bring death.
Negativity keeps us spiritually stunted. It is a
tool which the enemy uses to put us down and keep
us down and prevent us from being fruitful sons
and daughters of the Most High.
So How Do You
Avoid Negativity in Life?
- Have
a realistic and balanced approach to life.
There will always be some bad in the good,
and there will always be some good in the
bad things we face and experience. God works
for the good for those who love Him [Romans
8:28], so even in seemingly hopeless
situations, look for the silver lining in
- Avoid
the habit of judging people – especially
their motives. You are not their judge, but
God is; you need to give people the benefit
of the doubt and not assume the negative
motive behind an act.
- You
need to grow in your own self-image: yes, we
are weak, sinful, and ‘bad’ – but God loves
us; Jesus died for every one of us. You
should see yourself based on how God sees
you, and not how the society does. You have
value, purpose and meaning because God
deeply cares for and appreciates you!
- You
always have a choice of having a negative or
positive outlook on any situation – choose
to be positive - in consideration with
reality. As Philippians 4:8 says, your mind
should be filled with things that are holy,
lovely, pure, and honourable. The battle is
in your mind – choose the positive view of
- Do
everything to preserve the unity in Christ –
in your marriage, family, and community. It
will not be easy or convenient; there is a
price to you to pay – your ego, your pride,
and your self-centredness. When you see
people’s failures and weaknesses, remind
yourself of your own failures and
- Truth
can be found in the Word of God - you need
to grow in wisdom with God’s word so you can
know the lies of the enemy. Your mind needs
to be transformed so you can know God’s will
for you – see Romans 12:2. The battle is in
your mind – choose to live and abide by the
truth and not by the lies.
- Be
wary of negative people - they can bring you
down. Choose to associate with positive
- Finally,
have a positive outlook on life no matter
what – because you are on the winning side!
God is with you, Jesus is your Lord, you
live by the power of the Holy Spirit, and
you will inherit heaven one day. You may not
be on top of the world in this life, but you
have on your horizon a life eternal with God
– one with no death, death, crying and pain
– for eternity! How much more positive can
you get with that?
Other Scripture passages:
- Do
not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that by testing you may discern what is
the will of God, what is good and
acceptable and perfect. [Romans 12:2
- Rejoice
in the Lord always; again I will say,
rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known
to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not
be anxious about anything, but in
everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made
known to God. And the peace of God, which
surpasses all understanding, will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ
Jesus. [Philippians 4:4-7 ESV]
- Other
references: Ephesians 1:3-4; Ephesians
4:1-3; and Galatians 6:9-10.
personal reflection or
group sharing
- Is
negativity a regular thinking pattern for
you? How can you slowly unlearn it?
Caballes is the
National Senior
Administrator and a
National Coordinator
of the Lamb
of God, a
community of the
Sword of the Spirit
with 7 branches
located throughout
New Zealand. Tom
also leads Kairos
Zealand, an
outreach program for
high school,
university, and
post-university aged
Tom and
his wife Mhel and
their two
daughters live in
Wellington, New