June/July 2019 - Vol. 104
Holy Spirit
                      as a dove
. Come, Holy Spirit: Prayers, Poems, Meditations and Homilies
on the Gift and Work of the Holy Spirit

Reflections for Pentecost
The Grace of Pentecost:What does Pentecost mean for us today? by Steve Clark
Pentecost: The Way to Conversion and Unity, by Raniero Cantalamessa
The Holy Spirit Keeps Us in Perfect Peace, by John Henry Newman
Pentecost: The Way to Conversion and Unity, by Raniero Cantalamessa
The First Fruits of Pentecost - Shavuot, by Don Schwager
The Indwelling Spirit, by John Henry Newman (1801-1890)
“Come, Holy Spirit” – A selection of prayers and invocations

Sermons / Homilies on the Holy Spirit from the early church fathers
The Sending of the Holy Spirit, by Irenaeus of Lyons (115-202)
The Living Water of the Holy Spirit, by Cyril of Jerusalem (313-386)
The Holy Spirit Perfects and Renews Us, by Didymus of Alexandria (313-398)
The Glory of the Holy Spirit, by Gregory of Nyssa (330-395)
The Anointing with the Holy Spirit, by Cyril of Jerusalem (313-386)
The Spirit Restores Paradise to Us, by Basil the Great (392-379)
The Work of the Holy Spirit, by Basil the Great (392-379)
The Spark of Divine Love Within You, by Basil the Great (392-379)
The Coming of the Holy Spirit, by Leo the Great (400-461)
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is truth, by Leo the Great (400-461)

Prayers for Pentecost
“Come, Holy Spirit” – A selection of prayers and invocations
Prayer of Intercession for Pentecost - prayer of Taize Community
Come Holy Spirit - a prayer by Stephen Langton (13th century)
Fire of the Spirit - a prayer by Hildegard of Bingen (12th century)
Prayer to the Holy Spirit, a poem by Edith Stein
Sweet Manna from the Son’s Heart, verse by Edith Stein

Baptized in the Holy Spirit
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit - A Grace for the Whole Church, by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Proclaiming the Gospel Message, by Sue Cummins
Baptized in the Holy Spirit, by Steve Clark
The "Breath" of God and Gifts and Graces of the Spirit, by Steve Clark
The Fire of the Holy Spirit, by Don Schwager

Why God Wants Every Christian to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit, by Don Schwager
The Magnificent Stranger, by Carlos Mantica
The Holy Spirit and a New Society, by Jerry Munk
The Century of the Holy Spirit, Origins of the Pentecostal - Charismatic Movement, by Dr. Vinson Synan
Empowered to Live in Community, by Bob Tedesco
Preparing Children for a Spirit-filled Life, by Jerry Munk

Gifts of the Spirit
Gifts and Graces: Part I - The Breath of God, by Steve Clark
Gifts and Graces We Can Expect: Part II, by Steve Clark
Gifts and Graces for All: Part III, The Gifts of the Spirit in Isaiah 11:1-5, by Steve Clark
Spiritual Gifts, by Steve Clark
Have the Gifts of the Spirit Ceased? by Jerry Munk

The Gift of Prophecy – The Prophet's Role, by Bruce Yocum
The Gift of Speaking in Other Tongues, by Don Schwager
Yielding to the Gifts of the Spirit, by Don Schwager

Godly Hobbits: On the Pentecostalism of Tolkien’s Inspired Heroes, by Lance Nixon

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