Whose Fool
Are You?
by Tom
whatever gain I had, I counted as loss
for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I
count everything as loss because of
the surpassing worth of knowing Christ
Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have
suffered the loss of all things and
count them as rubbish, in order that I
may gain Christ…
- Philippians
3:7-8 ESV
Who or what is a fool? He or she is someone who
‘wastes’ his life for his or her cause. He or she
may be labelled as ‘stupid’ – or worse. I believe
that all of us are fools for something or someone
– whether it be for riches, fame or pleasure. We
can be ‘fools’ for noble things too – caring for
the poor, the environment and the like. We can be
fools for ‘idols’ in our lives – movie stars,
great athletes, loved ones, etc. But among all
these people and things, there is one who demands
utter foolishness – that we leave everything
behind to follow Him and be fools in the eyes of
the world: Jesus. The questions are: are our
actions and words truly reflect we are fools for
Jesus? Do people find Jesus in us? Can’t we stop
thinking, sharing about, singing, meditating and
loving Jesus?
So How Do You Grow in
Becoming Fools for Jesus?
- You
must understand that you are never meant
to be primarily a people-pleaser, but a
God-pleaser first. Jesus was not a
people-pleaser. In fact, because He
wanted to please God first, He had
enemies, who prioritised traditions and
man-made rules before God. It is okay if
people around you do not approve of what
you do or say. It is better to be
respected rather than be liked. It is
God’s approval you should strive for
- One
way you can truly exhibit your being a
fool for Jesus is by growing in His
character – the way you speak and behave.
People ought to see a difference in you
because you are imitating Jesus – His
love, forgiveness, self-control,
forbearance, patience, and humility, among
many of His traits – should be visible in
- You
should ‘preach the word, in season or
out of season.’ [2 Timothy 4:2] You
should complement your daily living by
trying to share your testimony and the
gospel to others. Someone needs to introduce
Jesus to your friends – will you do it? Do
not be worried if they reject you – that is
their problem, not yours. You will likely be
rejected, but there will be a few who are
willing to listen to you and accept your
message. The truth is this – the best thing
you can do to others is to bring them to
Jesus and to His promise of eternal life.
- Aim
to live a radical life for God. Radical
people are the ones who change the world –
for better or for worse. Be a transformer of
the world around you, not a conformer in the
world’s ways. See Romans 12:1-2.
- Your
life should be a ‘sign of contradiction’
to the world. When they see your life,
people should reflect and ask: ‘He/she
is living for God. What am I living for?
Is life more than just pursuit of wealth
and pleasure?’ The way you handle your
self should be a mirror to others about how
they handle their lives – their ideals,
goals and priorities in life; how they
handle their relationships and resources;
and so on. You are called to be the salt of
the earth and the light of the world in your
workplace, school or university. When your
life truly becomes a ‘sign of contradiction’
to others, then perhaps you can then say – “I
am a fool for Jesus.”
Other Scripture passages:
- I
came to cast fire on the earth, and would
that it were already kindled! [Luke
12:49 ESV]
- "You
are the salt of the earth, but if salt has
lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be
restored? ..."You are the light of the
world. A city set on a hill cannot be
hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put
it under a basket, but on a stand, and it
gives light to all in the house…
[Matthew 5:13-16 ESV]
- Bondservants,
obey in everything those who are your
earthly masters, not by way of
eye-service, as people- pleasers, but with
sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord.
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the
Lord and not for men, knowing that from
the Lord you will receive the inheritance
as your reward. You are serving the Lord
Christ. [Colossians 3:22-24 ESV]
- Other
references: Psalm 63:1-5; Matthew 22:37;
Galatians 2:20.
For personal reflection or
group sharing
- Do I live my life radically for God that
people around me call me a fool for Jesus?
- In what way am I a sign of contradiction to
the people around me?
Tom Caballes is the National
Senior Administrator and a National
Coordinator of the Lamb
of God, a community of the Sword
of the Spirit with 7 branches located
throughout New Zealand. Tom also leads
Zealand, an outreach program for
high school, university, and
post-university aged people.
Tom and his wife Mhel and
their two daughters live in
Wellington, New Zealand.
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