July/August 2010 - Vol. 41

Truth: Kairos Weekend 2010

Equipping Young People to Speak the Truth of the Gospel.

Report by John Robinson

Our task is to equip Kairos young people to speak the truth. The truth of Jesus Christ. The truth that sets free. The truth that brings life.
- Paul Jordan, Director for Kairos Europe and the Middle East
Question: What brings together 120 students from across the region, for a weekend of intensive
community living, Spirit-inspired worship and truth-seeking? Answer: Kairos Weekend 2010 in Augsburg, Germany!

And what a weekend it was - with fresh topics such as ‘Freedom,’ an exploration of what it means to need God; ‘Twisted Truth,’ a powerful journey allowing the light of Christ to break into our conceptions about being ‘Male’ or ‘Female’; and ‘Do You Want Fries with that?’ a clever yet no-nonsense workshop about how to make a decision for Jesus Christ stick.

So what is Kairos? We are a growing network of student outreaches all across Europe, the Middle East and beyond, who have caught a vision for radical Christ-centered, missional community and who are making it become a reality. We gathered as representatives of this bigger thing. We came to hear stories from across the globe, to laugh and cry together as we shared our successes and failures, to be empowered and re-envisioned for what God is doing among us.

This weekend was an inspiring thing. Here was an army of young people being joined together by a common call and mission from God. That mission? To build the kingdom of heaven on earth; and to let its message of light pervade even the darkest corners of despair that we find around us. We returned to our local outreaches ready to see this vision spread further as it transforms lives. These are people who are giving up the game of compromise, people to whom God is saying: “I do not want a ‘generous donation,’ I want all of you!”

In return we have received relationships that are rich, a joy that is deep, and a promise that gives us hope - and God’s work among us has only just begun. Read on to find out more… 

Next page > Caught in Conversation

[John Robinson is a staff member of Koinonia, the Kairos student outreach in London.]


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