- Vol. 57.

of hope for a new generation in
is an inner-city ministry in Detroit,
Michigan, USA. YouthWorks equips
young people to love God and others through
a life of Christian service
and leadership. YouthWorks serves as a
bridge, uniting Christians from
different cultures and traditions. It serves
not only the at-risk youth
and poor who participate in its programs,
but also the volunteers who staff
this ministry. It offers opportunities for
individuals and groups to participate
in short-term mission trips and for young
adults to spend the summer interning
in its Detroit Summer Outreach program. Word
Life community and also Kairos
America, a regional youth ministry of
the Sword
the Spirit, provide pastoral support
and training, and recruiting
volunteers from Christian communities and
outreaches around the world.
Signs of
hope and transformation
Joshua Rock, Director for
Detroit was once known as the jewel of
industrial America – one of the
finest, wealthiest urban centers known to man.
Yet after decades of misspent
funds, greed, neglect, and devastation, the
city as a whole appears like
the carved out husk of one of its myriad
abandoned buildings. From the
outside, Detroit might appear no more alive
than a decaying stump of a
once majestic oak tree. “Who saw this house in
its former glory? Does it
not now seem like nothing?” (Haggai 2:3).
But as in the days of Haggai, God says to us,
“Be strong. Be strong
and work, people of the land” (Haggai 2:4). He
is doing something new among
us, and even these ruins will rejoice to the
song of a God who brings life
from the dead. So let us be strong and work,
for God himself is with us.
Rock is the Executive
Director of YouthWorks-Detroit. He is
married to Yvette and is raising
his family of four children in Detroit. He
moved to Detroit in 2001 after
doing a Detroit Summer Ooutreach (DSO)
internship in 2000.]
The following
personal reflections are written by
Gappers and participants of
You can read more reflections at http://youthworksdetroit.tumblr.com/archive.
Freedom in Christ
Emily Ferstle
In the past several months, the Lord had been
speaking to me very clearly
about what he wanted for me in the next step
in my life. I had been volunteering
with my church’s youth group, and at a youth
minister’s retreat I heard about
YouthWorks-Detroit. God made it clear that he
wanted me to
be a part of Detroit Summer Outreach. The
Lord’s call was clear and direct.
However, the sacrifice required in answering
this call scared me.
A big struggle throughout my life had been
obedience. The idea of giving
up control over my own life to some authority
was terrifying – even if
that authority was God himself. When I
recognized this fear in myself,
I prayed that the resistance to handing over
my pride – my will versus
God’s will – be dissolved. So, despite my
fear, I agreed to join the DSO
staff for the summer.
The cultural adjustment in the first few
weeks was extreme to say the
least, but nothing compared to the spiritual
transformation I have experienced
since then. When I was baptized in the Holy
Spirit, the internal conflict
between my own will and my desire for the Lord
vanished; the battle within
me was won for me. When the Holy Spirit came
upon me, my resistance fled
I now see that this battle was never mine to
win. I could not overcome
my human fear and rebelliousness on my own.
Only the grace of the Lord,
through the Holy Spirit, could accomplish this
conversion within me. This
is true freedom. By allowing the Lord to
overcome my delusion of what it
meant to be free, I now better understand and
experience the true freedom
that Christ offers through life with him.
Ferstle is currently
living in Detroit and is actively involved
in Detroit community outreach.
She served on staff with Detroit Summer
Outreach in 2011.]
Simon Luyts
Living in Detroit this past summer and
participating in Detroit Summer
Outreach (DSO), was an awesome experience.
Before coming to Detroit, I
did a Gap-year in Monterrey and I was afraid
that my experience would be
too similar, but the contrary was true. It was
a completely different experience
and they have complemented one another
perfectly. Outwardly, Detroit is
perhaps not the nicest place in the States,
but God is definitely at work
here. When you walk down the streets and talk
to the people, it’s impossible
to ignore the fact that there is a God –
a God who, throughout all
the misery, never abandons his children – a
God who uses the poor and the
outcasts of the society to show the rich what
life really is about –
and a God that reveals the real pearl of great
price. The Lord has also
shown me that material wealth doesn’t bring
you far in reality as a man
or woman of God. It is rather an obstacle in
the race for the Kingdom of
God because poverty, combined with trust in
God, is a powerful gift that
can free you to serve without seeking reward.
I think that DSO is a powerful tool that God
uses to educate his children.
It is a huge blessing and perfect opportunity
to become a radical disciple.
In this short amount of time, I have
experienced being transformed as a
person and I am able to see a closer paradigm
of Christ who became poor
for my sake and who died to give me new life..
Luyts is originally from Jerusalem
Commuinity in Belgium. This past summer
he participated as an intern in the
Detroit Summer Outreach program. He
had served for a year in the Kairos
Standing in the Gap Program in
Mexico, before moving to Detroit in the
summer of 2011.]
On a Sunday in late
September after a tremendous
as my wife and I drove towards home,
we witnessed the brightest rainbow
arching over the city of
Detroit. As we came off the
highway exit
onto Trumbull St., we looked towards
downtown, and we could see the
Center and other downtown buildings
literally through the end of the
For 30 minutes we watched, and the
rainbow neither faded nor dulled in
intensity. While our country and
even our city suffers from various
sometimes tragic setbacks, we cannot
deny that this is a time of special
grace for Detroit, and that God’s
promises are resting upon our city.
like the rainbow, maybe you have to
be here to see it. - Joshua
[photo by Yvette Rock ©2011] |
Runneth Over” (Psalm
Ellen Karagoulis
“The Lord gives
strength to his people; the Lord blesses
his people with peace.” – Psalm
My best friend’s little brother once sang
happily to himself, “I have everything
I need, I have a wallet to put my stuff in! I
have everything I need.”
If it’s just that simple, then why do I get so
overwhelmed? Contentment
is having what you need… just for today.
Mission work in Detroit is intense, to say
the least. You see the enormous
poverty, and feel the crushing burden to help
in some way. I have had many
times, like today, where I’ve reached my
“boiling over” point. Before I
came here, I never could’ve imagined that, “my
cup runneth over” (Psalm
23:5) was sometimes similar to reheating soup
too long in the microwave.
Sometimes you are quite literally suffocated
by the Lord’s “blessing.”
You give and serve and help faithfully until
you explode, and then, miraculously,
you get up again and do it another day. “It be
like that sometimes,” as
some of our young people say here.
As I’m learning now, being the Lord’s servant
is not a full time job.
A full time job is 40 hours a week. No,
serving the Lord is like a lifelong
Tour of Duty in the military. You serve all
day at your job/ministry/vocation
(i.e. moms), and then you come home and serve
some more (or, as our moms
know, you never leave!) It’s not like
you can say to the world, “I
put in 8 hours of sanctification, now it’s
time to rest (or backslide)
for 4 hours before I go to bed.” If only
vice made you feel rested
after a hard day of holiness….
Many of my friends have given up the
Christian life because they astutely
recognized it requires EVERYthing. When God is
done working in and through
you, there is none of the old you left!
Lest you despair after reading this, let me
leave you with some hope
(because I’m obviously still living to tell
about “it”!) What my lapsed
Christian friends have failed to realize is
that once they have run out
of themselves, they can ask God to fill them,
and they start giving Jesus;
and he is in infinite supply. Rather than a
mug of overheated soup, this
transformation can be compared to yesterday’s
stale coffee being rinsed
out with fresh water. You fill it and fill it
until it’s replaced the old
dregs and is now usable again.
Once I learned to give up the fight (or,
rather, am learn-ING), I could
see the glorious joy of having my own
self-centered life sucked out of
me. Since I’ve already explained everything
with quirky metaphors, I’ll
leave you with one more: our very valuable
color printer/scanner/fax/copier
broke this week. We turned it off and turned
it on again, and when that
didn’t work, we had to hang in the towel and
despair for the lack of a
printer. But lo and behold! We discovered we
were part of the “Canon Loyalty
Program” and they replaced our dead and
lifeless printer with a sparkling
new, up-to-date model for the mere price of
the ink to fill it.
Sometimes we have to surrender ourselves in
order to be transformed
into our most glorious and beautiful selves.
Yet, we find that the cost
is never as much as the value. So I will say
to my Lord, “Fill ‘er up till
it runneth over!”
Karagoulis is originally
from the Work of Christ community in
Lansing, Michigan. She is currently
living in Detroit and serving as a Women's
Mission Leader for YouthWorks-Detroit.
She and her fiance, Erik Sellstrom from
Word of Life community in Ann Arbor,
plan to marry this coming May.]
teaching at Cornerstone
school in Detroit
Man Up!
Noel Bradley-Johnston
This past October, we took our youth group
kids to a concert event called
Man Up Detroit. It was organized by a group of
Christian Gospel rappers
including Lecrae, Trip Lee, Tedashii and a few
others, who together are
called 116 Clique, and were part of a tour
that is hitting the major cities
of the USA. The theme of the event was to
inspire within the young men
of the city a sense of what it means to be a
man of God. There are a lot
of not-so-good male role models in today’s
society, and more so in the
hip hop culture, and it was a great event that
showed how different being
a “modern man” and being a man of GOD really
Although it was an inspiring event for our
young people, it also really
got me thinking about myself and my life. How
do I live as a man of God?
Do I even? It was time to face the facts! And
the fact is that I’m not
anywhere near perfect in any aspects of Godly
manhood. In fact, in some
areas I’m actually quite bad. And this has
really struck me, because I
hadn’t thought of it like this before now.
It’s really opened my eyes to
the work I have ahead of me, and I thank God I
have a GAP year to allow
me to focus my attention on these issues
without any distractions.
Bradley-Johnston is
Irish (he has the passport to prove it).
He grew up in Belfast, Northern
Ireland. He first applied to the Kairos
Standing in the Gap program at
the age of 16. When he turned 18 he was
accepted to the program and is
now serving as a year-long Standing in the
Gap volunteer staff worker in
Detroit for 2011-2012.]
also > The
of Detroit by Dan Propson
credits: (c) 2011 by Yvette Rock and
Melanie Reyes. |
personal reflections
his kingdom
Bianca Bronson

wasn’t until high school during my two
summers with YouthWorks-Detroit’s
StreetTeam Leadership Program (summers of
2006 and 2007), that I actually
took this “Christian” walk seriously. Not
only was it a paying job (something
so many youth desire), but the thing that
most got me was the Christian
leadership aspect of the program.
two summers I worked on StreetTeam were
when and how I truly learned what
it is to have a relationship with God and
when I learned of his love, and
so much more. I could not explain how much
this program impacted me – especially
the interns.
thing that really touched me was hearing
the interns’ testimony and them
just being completely “real” with us. That
stirred up the desire in my
heart to know God on a deeper, more
personal level. It was powerful just
talking to the interns about why they
decided to spend their summer in
Detroit working with us, and hearing how
they felt called to serve and
share God’s love. That really touched me.
I was able to see his LOVE in
then, my life has not been the same. I
realized it was more than just a
set of “rules;” it was about knowing this
wonderful, loving God for yourself
and having a relationship with him and
sharing this wonderful gift with
others. Those things actually
encouraged and influenced me to go
where I’ve gone and do what I’ve done thus
only is God using me to help his children
grow, and learn more about him
and his love, but he is also using all
this to call me into a deeper relationship
with him, a whole new place in him. And
this new place is beautiful. My
desire, hope, and prayer is to one day
(soon) come back and do a summer
as a DSO intern.
Bronson is originally from
Detroit and is currently attending Eastern
Michigan University in Ypsilanti,
Michigan. In 2006-2007 she was a youth
worker with YouthWorks-Detroit's
StreetTeam Leadership Program.]
family in Christ
Christopher Parish
on football field with Chris
been part of StreetTeam for two summers,
and then got involved with the
youth group program. I have been so
blessed to be able to worship and share
in my men's youth group. Growing up with
one parent in the household, it
has been a struggle at times. But being
able to talk and have a good time
with guys who love and care for me is
has opened new doors in my life. Not only
have I met wonderful new people,
but now I have become able to live my life
for Christ. I have experienced
overflowing love and care from my men's
group. It has shown me that God
has control over all aspects of my life.
We learn from one another, and
give each other feedback. My youth group
is like my second family, because
of the bond we closely share with one
another. I can truly say that I wouldn't
be the young man I am today if I weren't a
part of the youth group.
Parish is from Detroit, and is currently a
student-athlete at Bluffton
University in Ohio. He worked on
StreetTeam and joined the youth group
program between 2008 - 2011.]
Year to remember
Tanesha Hill

an awesome organization. I help out with
Bezalel Project and the youth
group and I can see how we are changing
these kids’ lives.
life has been changing as well. I got my
first job last March working as
an intern at Covenant Community Care
Clinic. My top highlight right now
is helping with a mobile medical trailer
here in Detroit. We go to different
sites and offer free medical and dental
screening. I love meeting the different
patients and families and I love that we
are there to help them in their
time of need. I also enjoy helping lead
them to Christ.
I am
realizing that this is the route God wants
me to pursue. At first I thought
my calling was education, but more and
more I see how I am changing peoples’
lives – it makes me want
to do more.
I'm now attending Wayne State University
to become a doctor!
Hill is originally from Detroit. She
attended Cornerstone School in
– Joshua Rock was one of her teachers at
that time. She has been actively
involved with YouthWorks-Detroit since
2009. She is currently a part-time
volunteer staff worker with
radical change
Chad Shellabarger

I hear
the words “Detroit Summer Outreach” and I
immediately associate it with
radical transformation. Coming from a
place that has never heard of this
community or urban encounter, it was a
“leave everything and come follow
me” type of calling I received from the
program successfully touches on and molds
nearly every aspect of a young
man's or woman’s spiritual journey into an
even more beautiful story.
I entered
into this program with depression and
cynicism and left with joy and love.
This truly was a “summer set apart for a
lifetime set apart,” and I simply
pray that the Spirit within me will
consistently overcome my flesh when
I head back to university – deep into
the refining fire once again.
Shellabarger is originally from Ohio and
is currently attending university
in Huntington, Indiana. He served as an
intern with Detroit Summer Outreach
(DSO) in ther summer of 2010, and was on
staff with DSO in the summer of
2011. Over the past couple of years
he has also participated in a
few week-long mission projects in the
Urban Encounter program in Detroit.]
Mary Schaefer
autumn, as part of our GAP training, we
read the book God’s Smuggler, by
Brother Andrew. In this book, there was a
monkey to whom the main character
was very attached; it was his best friend.
time came for him to release the monkey
into the wild. Once the monkey
was removed from his life he felt lonesome
and disconnected, as though
he lost the one thing upon which he could
depend. However, this was also
the moment he started to recognize his
need for something more: God. Once
he developed a relationship with God, he
found a purpose and was able to
hear God’s call on his life.
are the monkeys in our lives? The things
that we look to for comfort, for
acceptance, for love; the things that draw
us away from God?
Schaefer is originally from the Work of
Christ community in Lansing, Michigan.
She was an intern in the Detroit Summer
Outreach (DSO) program in the summer
of 2009. This year she is living in
Detroit and serving as a Kairos Standing
in the Gap volunteer staff worker
for YouthWorks-Detroit.]
(right), with Jaci and Hannah, on their
way to a summer camping trip
Diamonds in the
Anna Bode
I was about to leave Minnesota to embark
on my new journey in Detroit,
I felt that God wanted me to let go of all
my treasures which I was clutching
so dearly – my family, close friends, my
community of believers, financial
stability, all the comforts and familiar
things – and leave them behind.
God was gently asking me to open my hands
and let them go. At first I felt
angry with God that he would do such a
thing. But then a small hope began
to grow in me – God was asking me to let
go in order to place something
even greater in my hands.
he did. He has shown me new treasures –
treasures that are hidden in deep
and rough places, but yet still shine with
a beautiful brilliance beyond
what the human eye can see. I find these
treasures from him when I am invited
into the homes of the kids we work with
here in Detroit and receive such
warmth and hospitality from their parents.
I see the treasures most, though,
when I am handing out bagged lunches to
men and women who are homeless
and who smile and say, “God Bless you!” or
when I am overwhelmed with the
profound truth of God’s mercy and goodness
that I experience from the people
I meet at the soup kitchen – people who
have so little. Everyday, when
I look past the worldly brokenness of
Detroit, the Lord surprises me by
lavishing me with his treasures in this
city. He is so good!
Bode is originally from Minnesota. She was
an intern for Detroit Summer
Outreach (DSO) in the summer of 2009. She
returned to Detroit in the summer
of 2011 to serve for a year as a Kairos
Standing in the Gap volunteer staff