By Love” — A
Tribute to
Beth Melchor
Senior Woman Leader of the Sword of the
and a Founding Member of Bethany
Our dear sister Beth Melchor passed away on June
26, 2018, in Manila, Philippines, after enduring
a long and valiant fight with cancer over the
past several years.
Beth was one of the founding sisters of Bethany
Association, the international network for women
living single for the Lord in the Sword of the
Spirit. A member of Ang Ligaya ng Panginoon (The
Joy of the Lord), she served as a senior woman
leader in the community and outreaches since she
was a young woman and was a member of the
International Women’s Coordinating Committee of
the Sword of the Spirit.
In a tribute spoken to Beth shortly before she
died, Mae Legaspi, also a senior woman leader of
Ligaya and member of Bethany Association, said:
“You have always been so simple,
always seen by all as loving the Lord with all
your heart, mind, and strength, always willing
and ready to go the length to express your
love for Him. . . . You love God’s people as
well. You are kind and generous to them. You
live so simply to give to the Lord and to His
work! . . .You are a deeply loyal and faithful
friend as many attest. You keep in touch. You
remain a friend in spite of distance,
circumstances, different beliefs and
lifestyle. . . .Your greatest legacy to me is
showing me how to live as a child of God, as a
disciple, in good and in bad times, in plenty
and in need, in sickness and in health, in joy
and in pain. You are doing it very well, Beth!
Your spouse and friend is mighty proud of
And from Jhola Salazar, a fellow Ligaya member
who serves in CYA and is also currently on the
Bethany Association council:
“Our dear sister, Beth, has finally
come home to her Beloved. We pray that the
Lord will bestow upon her the crown of glory
and the joy of everlasting life which she has
lived for all her days.”
Jeanne Kun, Past President of the Bethany
Association council and a senior woman leader in
The Word of Life community (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
who frequently served internationally with Beth,
“When I reflect and think of Beth, I
could tell of her many gifts and virtues. In
her professional life, Beth was a highly
intelligent and talented professor of
Mathematics, Physics, and Theology, as well as
a skilled and efficient administrator. And
regarding Beth's more than 40 years of
community life and service in Ligaya and
internationally in the Sword of the Spirit, I
could recount how she was insightful, kind,
steadfast, trustworthy as she gave of her time
and resources and energy with generosity and
fervor and zeal for the Lord and for us, His
people. And in her life consecrated to living
single for the Lord, Beth was an ardent and
fervent lover of God.”
“So now, as I think of Beth, I most of all
remember her as a dear friend and as a woman
who had been ‘taken by love’ as she titled the
book she wrote about her journey from being a
rebellious youth to being a missionary of the
Lord. Let me end my reflections here with the
words that Beth herself wrote at the
conclusion of that book:”
Life is a pilgrimage, and we are
on our way home. What awaits us our minds
cannot comprehend. ‘Eye has not seen, ear
has not heard, nor has it so much as dawned
on man what God has prepares for those who
love Him’ (1 Corinthians 2:9). So let us run
the race and see each other at the finish
line. I began my race “taken by love.” At
the finish line, love will take me home.
Love is the Alpha and the Omega, the
beginning and the end. And when our race is
done on earth, we will rest forever in the
eternal embrace of love.
From Andy Juan’s
Eulogy at Beth Melchor’s Funeral
(Presiding Coordinator of Ligaya)
I thank the
Melchor family for sharing a
wonderful woman with us from the
very early stages of her life. We
thank you for raising up a
daughter like Beth, for planting
seeds of love and generosity in
her heart that allowed her to be
generous to us and to all those
whom she has served. Generosity
begets generosity. Beth slipped
out from this earthly life last
Tuesday, your 89th birthday Tita
Charito (Beth’s mother). And yet
you call it the greatest birthday
gift - because you fully know that
you have a ‘saint’ in heaven! Only
a spiritual woman can have that
perspective and utter those words.
We thank you for your strength and
And to us in the Ligaya, we can
only be thankful and grateful for
what the Lord has done for Beth
and for us. How blessed are we to
once again, witness and experience
the love and offering of a person,
and be amazed of what God is
capable of doing, if only one is
willing to give one’s life fully.
“My life is not my own, it’s yours
for whatever you choose to do with
it.”— a line from one of the songs
sang at Mass last night. Its a
declaration of total surrender, of
complete abandonment, of not
holding back, of giving it our
all. May we all be inspired and be
given the grace to do the same.
And brothers and sisters, Beth
would be happiest, if we continue
running the race, faithful to our
way of life, loving and serving
one another and bringing others to
a personal knowledge of Jesus
Christ. While we mourn her loss in
this earthly life, we celebrate
the victory of Christ in her
immortal life.
Beth, a grateful Ligaya wants to
thank you - for a life well lived
and shared. Yes, you have fought
the good fight, ran and finished
the race. You have kept the faith!
Pray for us that we too may finish
ours one day. |

Taken by
Love: From a Rebellious
Youth to a Missionary in
Elizabeth Melchor
The collecton of personal stories
and reflections in this book
traces the author's experience of
encountering the immense love of
God - from her conversion to her
entry into the renewal; and her
experience of God's love even
amidst sickness. It tells of
amazing miracles and numerous
blessings. The stories relate how
God leads His Beloved in this
wonderful pilgrimage of life from
a once rebellious youth to a
missionary in China.
Published in 2015
through Shepherd's Voice
Publications, Inc., under its
self-publishing arm: lifedreams
books, Quezon City, Phlippines. |
previous articles written by Beth Melchor
in past issues of Living Bulwark:
Bride of Christ,
August 2017 Issue
Invitation to Joyful
Witness of the Gospel,
June 2014 Issue
the “Present,
February 2014
> Celebrating Life's Blessings,
May 2007 Issue