Thrive Where You Are
Planted .
by Tom
“Blessed is the
man who walks not in the counsel of the
wicked, nor stands in the way of
sinners, nor sits in the seat of
scoffers, but his delight is in the law
of the LORD, and
on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of
water that yields its fruit in its
season, and its leaf does not wither. In
all that he
does, he prospers. "
- Psalms 1:1-3 ESV
Have you ever wondered why you
were born into your family, at a particular
time in history, in a specific location?
Sometimes I wonder how life could have been if
I was born in a different family in a
different culture at a different time and
place. The reality is that we only have one
life – we cannot think of having another one,
because that would not happen. God has chosen
us our portion and lot in this life. We cannot
do much with what we cannot change, but God is
calling us to thrive where He planted us. He
has given us talents and skills to build His
Kingdom. God has given us a place where we can
thrive in our Christian walk – in our family,
our neighbourhood, and a Christian community.
Aren’t you thankful to God for what you have
in life?
So How Do You
Thrive Where You Are Planted?
I know how to be brought low, and I know
how to abound. In any and every
circumstance, I have learned the secret
of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and
need. I can do all things through him who
strengthens me.
(Philippians 4:12-13 ESV) Contentment in
life enables us to love and serve here God
has placed us; on the otherhand,
envy, bitterness, and discontent can rob us
of our peace and joy in life. Choose to be
- I
came that they may have life and have it
abundantly. (John 10:10B ESV) Live the
fullness of life where Godhas
placed you. A life lived with God is an
abundant life. And the fullness of that life
is still to come.
- I am the vine; you are the
branches. Whoever abides in me and I in
him, he it is that bears much fruit, forapart
from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5
ESV) Bearing fruit in life depends on our
connection with God. Apart from God,
our life has no real value, meaning, and
purpose. Be faithful to daily prayer and
- Strive
for excellence wherever God has placed you
at work and in the community. So,
whether you eat or
drink, or whatever you do, do all to the
glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31
ESV) Do not compromise a substandard job or
service – serve and work as if Christ is the
one you are serving and working for.
- And let us not grow weary of doing
good, for in due season we will reap, if
we do not give up. So then, as we have
opportunity, let us do good to everyone,
and especially to those who are of the
household of faith.(Galatians
6:9-10 ESV) God has given us our talents and
resources to serve Him and His people.
6. Jesus
said to them again, “Peace be with you. As
the Father has sent me, even so, I am
sending you.” (John 20:21 ESV) Share the
Gospel to whomever God has given you the
opportunity to do so. We are called to be a
light in this dark world and salt in this
tasteless environment. Thriving in our
situation means we are ready to share the
Gospel to all those we meet. You are God’s
ambassador wherever you are.
Other Scripture passages:
- But
you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, a people for his own
possession, that you mayproclaim
the excellencies of him who called you out
of darkness into his marvellous light. (1
Peter 2:9 ESV)
- But
seek first the kingdom of God and his
righteousness, and all these things will
be added to you. (Matthew
6:33 ESV)
- “Enter
by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide
and the way is easy that leads to
destruction, and those whoenter
by it are many. For the gate is narrow and
the way is hard that leads to life, and
those who find it are few.(Matthew
7:13-14 ESV)
personal reflection or
group sharing
- Have
you appreciated where God has placed you? Or
are you bitter that God did not make you
richer,prettier, or born to a better
family? How can you thrive better in your
Caballes is the
National Senior
Administrator and a
National Coordinator
of the Lamb
of God, a
community of the
Sword of the Spirit
with 7 branches
located throughout
New Zealand. Tom
also leads Kairos
Zealand, an
outreach program for
high school,
university, and
post-university aged
Tom and
his wife Mhel and
their two
daughters live in
Wellington, New
top illustration
(c) by Kevin Carden