Let Your House
Be Broken Into.
A Reflection on
Luke 12:32-48
by Fr. Philip
not, for your
Father is
pleased to
give you the
(Luke 12:32)
Question: What
in your life
can you remove
in order to
hear Jesus
knocking at
the door of
your heart?
our Gospel
certainly has
a number of
things to say
to us about
ourselves and
about the Lord
and about His
life. We can
take a couple
of them at
least. Jesus
says, "Fear
not, for your
Father is
pleased to
give you the
kingdom." The
Father is
pleased to
give you a
life, a life
which this
world can't
give, even if
it wanted to,
and this life
has certain
to it. For
example, Jesus
says, "Sell
belongings and
give alms.
Provide for
yourselves a
treasure in
heaven." Well,
obviously He
doesn't mean
just get rid
of everything
and sit on the
street corner.
No, He's
talking more
about where
your heart is
placed. So the
issue of the
you keep, the
possessions I
want, the
possessions I
keep versus
the ones I get
rid of, have
to do more
with what it
says to my
heart. Where
is my heart
centered? And
if I have
that claim my
heart, well,
then my heart
is not
available for
the Lord's
life in me.
And perhaps
there are
persons who
say, "Who
cares anyway?
I want what I
But if we're
curious about
what is it
that the Lord
really wants
us to have, in
light of which
He says,
"Review what
you have, and
if there are
things or
attitudes or
memories or
grudges that
keep you from
accepting what
I have for
you, those are
Jesus says,
"get rid of
them," so that
you have
another kind
of treasure
that won't be
eaten away by
interest rates
or by the
demands of
life or the
thereof. But
rather you'll
have a
treasure which
is able to
grow, because
it's the place
where you
place your
heart, and
that heart is
intended to
live not only
in your own
body now, but
to live
forever in the
presence of
the Father who
made it.
So it's a
therefore, and
the Lord wants
us to take
seriously. It
is a concern
where my heart
is. So if my
heart is
really locked
into whatever
I may have:
whatever, in
such a way
that Jesus is
excluded from
that, if I say
to Him, "I'll
deal with you
if you do
certain things
for me," well
then my heart
has isolated
myself from
available to
the power of
the Lord and
the life that
He wants me to
give. And what
does this life
look like?
Well, in the
next paragraph
Jesus says
something, He
says, "Don't
let your house
be broken
into." Ah, we
that. We
that very
well, as the
people of His
generation did
as well. Don't
let your house
be broke into,
somebody who
wants to steal
something from
you, and I'm
not talking
about the
silverware on
the dining
room table.
I'm talking
about your
heart. He
wants to steal
that from you
and take it
away and
attach it to
through the
deceptions of
life. He wants
to separate
you from your
heart and the
person who
made that
heart, Jesus,
and instead to
fasten it upon
what he wants.
He's a thief!
He's a thief!
There is no
good in him.
He wants to
steal your
breaking into
the house of
your heart. So
Jesus warns
us, "Don't let
your house be
broken into,"
because that's
what the thief
really wants
to do. By
contrast, in
the last book
of the New
Testament, the
Book of
this is how
approaches the
house of your
heart. He
knocks on the
door. In the
Book of
"Behold, I
stand at the
door and
knock, and
whoever admits
me," therefore
a free act, "I
will sit down
at dinner with
That's the
between the
thief who
wants to break
in and steal
your heart
away from the
Lord versus
Jesus who
knocks at the
door of your
heart and
says, "You can
choose to let
me in, or not.
You can choose
to hold onto
possessions so
that I never
am admitted.
You can do
that, and I'm
not going to
force the
door. No. No,
the thief does
Remember Jesus
said of
Himself, in
one place He
said, "I am
the gate of
the sheep. The
marauder, the
thief, comes
in to steal
and destroy."
That's a good
image. Right?
When people's
houses are
broken into,
they're often
left something
of a wreck,
because that's
the nature of
it. So
brothers and
sisters, the
Lord says to
us, "Don't let
your house be
broken into.
Rather, be
Stand guard
over the house
of your heart
so that the
thief doesn't
break in and
steal and
destroy." So
He says to us,
"You must
always be
because the
Son of Man is
coming to
you." And not
just in death,
but the Son of
Man comes to
us through the
of life as He
chooses them.
And He knocks
on the door of
our heart and
says, "Will
you open it to
me? Because I
will never
break it down
and force the
entry. I don't
do that."
So I think the
today always
therefore, on
where is your
heart at.
Well, I think
the truth of
it is for many
of us,
beginning with
myself, my
There's part
of me that
likes what I'm
doing, likes
my job, likes
the ability to
open my heart
to the Lord,
but there's a
part of me,
too, that's
selfish. Oh
yes, sorry
you. Sorry.
Yes, yes we
are. A part of
me that's
closed off,
maybe not too
hard, but
closed off
So the Gospel
comes to me,
and Jesus
says, "Fear
not, because
the Father
wants to give
you the
kingdom." That
is this
That's what
His intention
is. He will
not break down
the door of
your heart and
make a forced
entry, but He
will knock and
ask for
But that's His
You know from
that there are
people who are
presented with
of life and
they turn them
down for
whatever sets
of reasons,
and it's a
tragedy. It's
a sadness.
They look back
on it—perhaps
all of us can.
I can—at times
when the Lord
has offered me
something and
I've said, "No
thanks." But
the Lord says,
"But I'll come
and knock
again, because
your heart is
a treasure to
me and not
just to you."
That's the
good news,
that our
hearts, the
precious sense
of ourselves,
is a treasure
not simply for
us, but for
the Lord
So dearest
brothers and
sisters, hear
the word of
the Lord
today. Harden
not our hearts
by whatever
sets of
possessions we
may have,
things or
people or
attitudes or
whatever, but
rather open
your heart and
say, "Come,
Lord Jesus. I
hear you
knocking, and
I want to open
the door
freely, of my
own accord,
for you are
not a thief,
but you are a
savior. And
you want to
come into my
life and fill
it with
yourself so
that I can
have a life of
joy and power
and confidence
and lack of
fear that is
really your
legacy to me
here on Earth,
and the
entryway to
the Father's
house in
> See related articles on
.... in
the Living
Merdinger is
the founder of
Brotherhood of
based in St.
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