2: Everyday Evangelism
by Jim Berlucchi
Over the last ten years,
I have heard the conversion
stories of many who have become Christians. I
remember Barb’s account of
how she knelt next to her television one
evening and surrendered her life
to Christ in response to a eloquent appeal. A
Billy Graham rally was the
occasion for a childhood conversion of a very
dedicated Methodist minister
friend of mine. For a number of years I led
music at large Catholic rallies
(F.I.R.E – Faith, Intercession, Repentance,
Evangelism). These dynamic
events occasioned multiple conversions and
re-conversions, prompting fallen
away Catholics to renew their faith.
Different methods
of evangelism
These stories illustrate
what has come to be
known as “mass evangelism.” Here we are
talking about large group exposure
to the gospel through some form of public
preaching. God has worked mightily
in such settings, and many people have come,
or returned to faith through
Another form of
evangelism is called random evangelism.
This is a kind of spontaneous sharing of one’s
faith by confident and opportunity-seeking
Christians of all stripes. The
spontaneity isn’t without preparation
and training however. There are
evangelistic training seminars that
equip people to be ready to defend and advance
the faith, and to be on
the lookout for every opportunity. “Always be
prepared to make a defense
to anyone who calls you to account for the
hope that is in you (I Peter
A Christian who engages
in random evangelism is
often praying and prepared to share the gospel
at any time and circumstance,
whether it be a locker room or on a plane
flight. I know of a Catholic
deacon who boldly shares his faith in his
basketball league. He makes sure
his game is sharp by the way.
The Holy Spirit sometimes
orchestrates circumstances
for dramatic results. I was once waiting for
bus – minding my own business.
Strangely I began to feel an intense
conviction that I was to talk to some
fellow passenger about God’s love. The sense
was so strong I felt I would
burst if I resisted. I sat next to an elderly
man and tried to strike up
a conversation. Within minutes we were
discussing spiritual matters. He
seemed down. I encouraged him, told him I’d
pray for him and gave him my
phone number.
Later that evening
he called and left a
startling message. That bus ride was to be his
last. He was heading home
determined to take his life. Our brief
conversation convinced him that
God was looking out for him. How could I
possibly have known? That experience
taught me never to undervalue random
evangelism, especially when we are
being led by the God who knows the secret
intentions of every heart.
Everyday evangelism
Another kind of evangelism
is what I call everyday
evangelism. Everyday evangelism involves
influencing others toward the
kingdom of God in our daily environments.
Normally the process is most
effective in situations where we have ongoing
relationships with friends,
neighbors, co-workers, relatives, or fellow
Everyday evangelism is,
well, kind of ordinary.
One need not be particularly persuasive,
articulate or charismatic. Often,
the most effective witnesses are recently
converted or renewed Christians
whose enthusiasm makes up for lack of
technical know-how.
Importance of
personal relationships
At the heart of everyday
evangelism is the recognition
of the importance of personal relationships in
any kind of conversion process.
Few people become dedicated Christians simply
by hearing an inspiring message.
Few converts are won solely through the
distribution of tracts or by watching
Christian television. In fact, most people
respond favorably to the Good
News through the personal influence of other
Christians. And the process
takes place in the most modest and ordinary
circumstances of daily life.
This kind of evangelism
effectively led me back
to the faith I neglected and then discarded
during my ‘enlightened’ college
years. I became not only unbelieving, but
cynical about religion, thinking
it naïve and unsophisticated. Despite my
ignorance I still enjoyed
arguing with the very few Bible believers in
my dormitory hall. I had very
little tolerance for religious types and was
cynical about Christianity
in particular. Not a good prospect.
But thanks to the
persistent, yet tactful witness
of some fellow dorm buddies my faith was
renewed. One of these students,
Leo, seemed able to convert the unlikeliest
prospects. The rest of us couldn’t
help but notice the positive changes in their
lives. And these new converts
were quite unabashed in sharing their newly
found faith. And whether or
not they knew it, the few Christian men living
in that university dormitory
were under close scrutiny by their fellow
Because Leo had been
forthright and open about
his love for God others took particular notice
to see if his behavior matched
his beliefs. Though I disagreed with his
religious convictions, I respected
the sincerity of his convictions. I also
expected him to conduct his life
with integrity, and I wasn’t disappointed.
He had a lot of good
qualities. Unlike the rest
of us, his life was well ordered and
disciplined. His room was neat; he
kept a consistent schedule; he was hard
working and cheerful. And he was
really joyful. His steady happiness was
particularly striking.
He wasn’t just wrapped up
in his own world, but
was generous, even charitable. One night a
guest visited me from out of
state. When Leo heard of his arrival, he
hauled his mattress into my room
to accommodate my visiting buddy. To this day,
I can remember the impact
that selfless gesture had on me.
His speech was different
too. No foul talk. He
never criticized or griped. He was patient,
sincerely interested in people
and always ready to lend a hand.
At the same time he was a
bulldog in sharing his
faith and it was really pretty infections. We
all knew he prayed for us.
He would share with enthusiasm how the Lord
was working in his life and
helping him. Whenever he returned from church
or a prayer service he would
fill everyone in on the message. More than
that, he kept inviting everyone
to come along.
Being the aroma
of Christ for others
Over the course of eight
months, four of the
young men in this particular hall seriously
committed their lives to Jesus.
They had a great influence on the rest of us.
Most of them couldn’t hold
their own in a theological debate. They were
motivated simply to pray and
pursue. The witness of their lives was indeed
credible to their unbelieving
acquaintances. They were the aroma of Christ
to us – fragrantly drawing
us to consider the message of their Master.
Their genuineness, tact, and
personal credibility carried great weight. In
the non-religious atmosphere
of our dorm rooms, cafeteria, and lounges they
were able, grace-filled
This example shows how
effective personal, everyday
evangelism can be. It doesn’t require years of
theological training and
expertise. You and I can do it. As you
implement principles of personal
evangelism outlined in the next chapters, you
will be increasingly able
to help lead men and women further into the
kingdom of God.
article is adapted from the book, Person
to Person: How to be effective
in evangelism, © 1984 by Jim
Berlucchi, and published by Servants
Books, Ann Arbor.]
to > Part
True “No Limit” Message
Jim Berlucchi is the
Director at Spitzer
Center for
Ethical Leadership. He
formerly served as the Executive
Director of
Legatus, an international
association of Catholic CEOs. He is
the work/life
columnist for Faith
Magazine, and a published
composer and recording artist.
Sample audio
clips of his music are
available online.
He served for many years as a
community leader in The Word of God
and The
Sword of the Spirit. He and his wife
Judy reside in Dexter, Michigan,
They are the grateful parents of
eight children and enjoy a steadily
number of grandchildren. |