to Person: A practical approach to
effective evangelism
1: The True “No Limit” Message
by Jim Berlucchi
Christian message is no opiate to send
to sleep, it is no comfortable
that everything
will be all right. It is rather
the blinding
light which shows people themselves
as they
are and God as he is.
A few years ago I received
an almost irresistible
offer. I opened my mailbox one morning to find
an attractively designed
folder with this enticing offer: “How to be a no
limit person.” Of course,
I opened the packet eagerly. The colorful
brochure went on: “Yours for
thirty days risk free . . . the blockbuster
audio program from today’s
number one success-builder and best-selling
author.” Here was a six-cassette
lecture series which promised to help me develop
a “fresh, dynamic, you-oriented
approach to career and personal life.” Now I
could “break the barriers
to success,” and “achieve super emotional and
physical health,” all for
a mere pittance, $10 for 30 days with “no
obligation.” My every problem,
frustration, delay, and failure, could be turned
to my advantage. I could
learn to live according to my maximum potential.
This sounded like good
news, indeed.
In fact, the author of
this series was offering
a glorious plan for personal success.
Developed through his own life experience
and research, he passionately wanted to pass
on to others the best thing
he had. He was inspired with “a purpose that
shaped his own life – a mission
to help people succeed.” He was motivated by a
consuming zeal to give others
the best thing he had.
What is the best thing
you have? Are you driven
to share it with others? As Christians we
should realize that we are the
real “no limit” people. God has given us
eternal life in Jesus Christ.
We have received an entirely new nature
through baptism in water and the
Spirit. By God’s power we have been
transferred from the dominion of darkness
into the kingdom of light, and we look forward
to a heavenly banquet with
God in our eternal home. We have received the
magnificent power of God
in our mortal bodies, far outstripping the
human power and techniques flaunted
in the brochure. Ours are new lives,
characterized by power, joy, and the
wisdom of our Creator. If the “no limit”
author is consumed by a passion
to “change the lives of millions of people,”
how much more should we, who
have come to know the living God, desire to do
whatever we can to change
the world.
We can change the world,
if we ourselves are living
a full Christian life and are motivated to
influence others toward a fuller
relationship with Jesus. But why should a
Christian be involved in evangelism?
I can think of at least
five good reasons. First,
Jesus commands us to spread the gospel.
Second, evangelism results in a
deeper union with Christ. Third, the world
needs desperately to hear about
Jesus. Fourth, telling others about Jesus is
an exciting challenge that
produces joy. Fifth, helping others choose for
Jesus saves lives – eternally.
Jesus commands
Consider, first of all,
that Jesus commands us
to spread the good news. Jesus’ words at the
end of Matthew’s Gospel have
been aptly described as the Great Commission.
“Go therefore and make disciples
of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to
observe all that I have commanded
you” (Mt. 28:19-20). These were his last words
to his disciples on earth.
Jesus was not merely suggesting or encouraging
them to spread the good
news (the great suggestion); he was
authoritatively directing them, and
us, to “Go therefore.” The true test of our
love for God is our obedience
to his will (Jn 14:21). Like it or not, if we
are to love the Lord we must
be personally committed to evangelism.
Deeper union with
Spreading the gospel also
draws us into a deeper
union with Christ. Just as we should integrate
prayer, fellowship with
other Christians, and the study of God’s word
into our lives, so too, should
we be witnesses to others about Jesus. Most
certainly, personal evangelism
deepens our relationship with the Lord; it is
a crucial life giving ingredient
in the spiritual life. Through it we learn how
to draw closer to God, rely
on his help, and be led by his Spirit. As we
take concern for others, our
hearts are transformed into the heart of
Christ who came to seek out and
save the lost.
The world needs
the Good News
Consider also how
desperately the world needs
to hear about Jesus. War, pollution, crime,
divorce, loneliness, murder,
deprivation, and poverty constantly afflict
the human species. Human solutions
inevitably fall short. God’s answer is life
through God’s only Son. No
human being or society can be truly healthy
apart from God. We who have
been given new life in Jesus Christ are the
only ones who can offer hope
to a dying world. The need of the world cries
out to each of us – in our
neighborhoods, families, schools, cities, and
workplaces. We have only
to open our eyes to see the desperate needs of
those around us. Once we
know their plight, how can we withhold from
anyone, the only thing that
will satisfy or free them?
Excitement, challenge,
and joy
It is also true that the
Christian life is the
most thrilling, taxing, and fulfilling of all
lifestyles. One could reasonably
argue that the Christian faith is the only way
to true self-fulfillment.
A life lost for Christ is the only means to
gain life.
When we evangelize
others, we reach out to people
we may otherwise ignore. We get involved with
people’s problems and concerns.
We deal with the profound issues of life. We
fight in prayer for others;
we persevere in meeting challenges; and we
rejoice to see others experience
more of God’s love.
An eternal choice
We should always remember
that men and women
have a choice to make – between life and
death. We can easily forget that
spiritual reality.
Michael Green said it
this way:
According to
Ephesians 2:1 men and women
without Christ are dead. Their sin has cut
them off from the life of God
as effectively as death cuts a man off from
the life of his friends. Though
mentally, physically, and emotionally alive,
people are spiritually dead
until the life-giving elixir of the gospel
begins to circulate through
their veins. Society has lost its way. Jesus
Christ came to seek and save
the lost (Luke 19:10). It is when we realize
that our friends – our nice,
decent friends – are lost without Christ that
we long to help them and
bring the good news to them.
Bother With Evangelism?”
New Covenant, vol. 11, no. 4
He went on to say that there
is simply no middle
ground. Either we stand for Christ for against
Christ. We either live under
Satan’s dominion or under the reign of God.
No matter how much we
would like to think that
the road to eternal life is wide and easily
followed, the New Testament
tells us otherwise. Jesus will have none of
our compromising. We are being
saved or lost, perishing or being born again.
There is no middle ground.
An understanding of this
reality can act as a
tremendous motivation to evangelism. C.S.
Lewis puts it frightfully well.
It is a serious
thing to live in a society
of possible gods and goddesses, to remember
that the dullest and most uninteresting
person you talk to may one day be a creature
which, if you saw it now,
you would be strongly tempted to worship, or
else a horror and a corruption
such as you now meet, if at all, only in
Weight of Glory (New York:
Macmillan, 1962)
All day long we are, in some
degree, helping each
other to one or the other of these destinations.
It is in the light of these
overwhelming possibilities,
it is with the awe and the circumspection proper
to them, that we should
conduct all our dealings with one another, all
friendships, all loves,
all play, all politics.
As sharers in God’s
nature and participants in
this cosmic spiritual struggle, we hold a
treasure in earthen vessels.
Scripture likens us to the fragrance or aroma
of Christ among those who
are perishing. The question that confronts
each of us is how we can personally
contribute to this great process of salvation.
Are there more than a chosen
and gifted few who can effectively proclaim
the gospel? What is the full
message of the gospel? What are the attitudes
and methods essential for
effective witnessing? How can we overcome
fear, embarrassment and the feeling
of ineptitude we often experience in regard to
sharing our faith?
Let’s begin by
considering what is involved in
what I call everyday evangelism.
article is adapted from the book, Person
to Person: How to be effective
in evangelism, © 1984 by Jim
Berlucchi, and published by Servants
Books, Ann Arbor.]
to > Part
Everyday Evangelism
Jim Berlucchi is the
Director at Spitzer
Center for
Ethical Leadership. He
formerly served as the Executive
Director of
Legatus, an international
association of Catholic CEOs. He is
the work/life
columnist for Faith
Magazine, and a published
composer and recording artist.
Sample audio
clips of his music are
available online.
He served for many years as a
community leader in The Word of God
and The
Sword of the Spirit.He and his wife
Judy reside in Dexter, Michigan,
They are the grateful parents of
eight children and enjoy a steadily
number of grandchildren. |