A Study of Ephesians 4
and Growth in the Body of Christ
by Derek Prince
Chapter 4 of Ephesians, Paul
describes the completed body
of Christ as having four
distinctive marks: It will be united,
strong, mature, and complete.
Paul very
rightly begins this tremendous
church-building chapter by
emphasizing Christian character.
"I therefore ... beg
you to lead a life worthy of
the calling to which you have
been called, with all
lowliness and meekness, with
patience, forbearing one
another in love, eager to
maintain the unity of the
Spirit in the bond of peace."
This matter
of character is crucial. You may
wish to build a building, and
you may be aware that the best
architect in the world has drawn
up flawless blueprints for it.
But you must also have the right
materials to build with. If the
architect calls for reinforced
concrete and steel, you cannot
use bricks and wooden beams and
build successfully. In the same
way, we cannot build the kind of
church Paul describes unless we become
people with the character of
Jesus Christ. To become people
of character we need the full
power of the Spirit, and we
ourselves must decide to change.
Seven basic unities of the church
Paul goes on in this
chapter to deal with what I call
the seven basic unities of the
church (verses 4, 5, and 6): one
body, one Spirit, one hope,
one Lord, one faith, one
baptism, one Father. Those
are basic, inescapable unities
of the true church of Jesus
Christ. Then Paul discusses
diversity. I find that whenever
Paul tackles the issues of the
church he always begins with
unity, and then unfolds
diversity. After establishing
the unity of the church, Paul
goes on to say, "But grace was
given to each of us according to
the measure of Christ's gift.
...And his gifts were that some
should be apostles, some
prophets, some evangelists, some
pastors and teachers...."
Thus the primary diversity in
the body is the ministry gifts
that the ascended Christ gave.
Let us look closely at the words
used for "gifts" in this
passage. The word translated
"gifts" in verse 8 is doma
in Greek. But when Paul says,
"according to the measure of
Christ's gift," he uses the word
dorea. Now where the word
dorea is used in the New
Testament, the "gift" referred
to is a person. There are two
great dorea: Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit. In
other words, Paul is saying here
that in these ministry gifts,
Christ gave himself back to the
church through the Holy Spirit:
"According to the measure of
Christ's dorea."
Christ is the perfect embodiment
of everyone of those ministries.
He's the perfect apostle, the
perfect prophet, the
perfect evangelist, the perfect
shepherd, the perfect teacher.
Seminary or Bible school
training alone does not make a
man a shepherd. A man is a
shepherd only because Christ the
shepherd lives in him. If I am a
teacher, it's not because I
spent seven years at Cambridge
University. I am a teacher only
because Christ the teacher gave
himself to me.
In a certain sense, the
entire purpose of Jesus Christ
for his church flows forth from
these ministries. I do not
believe that the purpose of
Christ for the church could be
fulfilled without them.
I want to give you a
brief definition of each of
these ministries, realizing that
my definition will be extremely
By definition, an
apostle is one who is sent
forth. A person who has not been
sent forth cannot be an apostle.
The first apostles were sent
forth by Jesus while he was on
earth, but in Ephesians 4, Paul
is primarily referring to
apostles who came later: "When
he ascended on high, he gave
gifts to men and his gifts were
that some should be apostles …"
An apostle is the
architect of the building. It is
his responsibility to know every
part of the building – from
foundation to roof. When his
apostleship was challenged, Paul
said to the Corinthian church,
"If to others I am not an
apostle, at least I am to you,
for you are the seal of my
apostleship in the Lord" (1
Corinthians 9:2). Paul meant
that Christ had never been
preached when he went to
Corinth. When he left after
completing his ministry, Corinth
had a complete, functioning,
local church with all its gifts,
offices, ministries, and graces.
This complete church was the
seal of Paul's apostleship. An
apostle does not always build
the local church, but he is the
one who has the final word on
how it should be built.
prophet is very simply a man who
receives a message from God,
supernaturally, to be delivered at a
certain time and in a certain place.
Let me illustrate from Jonah. Jonah
walked into Nineveh and told the
people that God was going to judge
them. If Jonah had been a preacher
he could have said that. What made
Jonah a prophet? He said, "Forty
days is all you've got." He had a
direct, supernatural revelation.
evangelist is one who conveys
the good news of Jesus Christ.
You might say that the
evangelist is God's paratrooper.
He drops behind the enemy lines
before the devil even knows he's
there. Phillip is the only
evangelist actually described in
the New Testament and he acted
as a paratrooper. He did not
actually get his converts
baptized in the Holy Spirit, but
he did get them baptized in
meaning of the word shepherd is lost
on many of us today. But in the Lord's
time and for many centuries before
that, being a shepherd was a quite
common occupation. When the writers of
the New Testament letters, Paul and
Peter especially, used this word to
describe a ministry in the church,
they expected their readers to
understand its meaning immediately. A
shepherd in those times (and in some
places even today) took a personal,
caring interest in each one of his
sheep. He made sure the needs of each
sheep were met, that none got lost or
strayed away, and that they were led
to good grazing land. The shepherd
personally protected the flock from
harm by doing battle with wild animals
himself. Each sheep knew the shepherd,
knew his voice, and trusted him. He
stood in the midst of them and led
The ministry of
shepherd, then, is to take care
of the people of God, making
sure the needs of each person
are met, spiritually and
sometimes even physically. It is
his responsibility to make sure
that each member of the body of
Christ is receiving the kind of
care and encouragement he or she
needs to grow strong and mature
as a Christian. He is the one
who leads them and makes sure
things go well for them.
Teacher, interestingly
enough, is related to many of
the other ministries. For
instance, Paul said that he was
ordained an apostle and a
teacher of the Gentiles. There
were certain prophets and
teachers in Antioch. Teacher
went with prophet. In Luke 20,
Scripture says that Jesus was
evangelizing and teaching.
Teaching apparently can go with
any of the other ministries.
Whether it is a ministry on its
own is a matter of discussion.
We would probably have to
classify Apollos as a teacher.
We do not hear of him fulfilling
any other role, yet he clearly
had a valid ministry of
After Paul lists the
ministries, he describes their
three purposes in verses 12 and
13: (1) they exist to equip believers
for their tasks. Those who
receive the gifts do not do all
the work, but train the
believers to do what they are
called to; (2) they exist to
build up the body; (3) and they
exist to bring all believers
into unity, maturity, and
In verses 14 and 15 we are
presented by Paul with a kind of
parenthesis which gives us two
stark alternatives: " ...50 that we may no
longer be children, tossed to
and fro and carried about with
every wind of doctrine, by the
cunning of men, by their
craftiness and deceitful wiles.
Rather, speaking the truth in
love, we are to grow up in every
way into him who is the head,
into Christ."
God gives us this choice:
come under discipline, submit to
God's appointed ministries in
the church for your upbuilding,
and grow up; or, if you refuse,
you will remain a spiritually
retarded child, subject to
deception, and carried about
with every wind of doctrine.
Paul tells
us very fairly and honestly that
there are men waiting to deceive
us. The only safety from
deception is to come under God's
appointed authority in ministry,
and grow to maturity.
The completed Body of Christ
Verse 16
describes the completed body.
Talking about Christ the head, it
says: "From whom the whole body fitly joined
together and compacted by that which
every joint supplies according to
the effectual working on the measure
of every part, makes increase of the
body under the edifying of itself in
love." This is a complex sentence
and I am not going to try here to
analyze it grammatically or
syntactically. But I'll tell you
what I think it means. I
see three things in that picture of the
completed body. First of all, each
member is rightly related
to Christ the head. This is the most
important point. Secondly, each member
function. Thirdly, each member
is rightly related, by joints,
to the other members.
To draw
practical applications from this
image, I want to talk about my
interpretation of the parts of
human anatomy
spoken of in this passage.
of all, what are the joints? In my
understanding, the joints are
interpersonal relationships, the
places where the
members touch and fit one another.
The passage says, "According to that
which every joint supplies."The
channel of supply is the joint; you
can be in the body, but if you're
not rightly jointed, you don't get
your supply.
are held in place by ligaments. Just
as our body's joints and bones are
knit together by ligaments, so do
ligaments bind together the members
of the body of Christ. I believe the
ligaments that join the bones are
covenant love.
Covenant love
is not an emotion; it is a
commitment. The marriage commitment
is "for better or for worse, for rich or for
poor, in sickness and in health." It
doesn't depend on situations,
circumstances, or emotions. It is a
life commitment. In the same way,
covenant love among Christians is a
life commitment that does not depend
on our feelings, or the weather, or
the preacher. I believe that
covenant love is the only way we can
be joined and still hold up under
stress. Unfortunately, most
members of the body of Christ today
are not firmly held together,
because there is no real covenant
Covenants are
not simply human contracts. There
has to be an element of divine
sovereignty in every covenant
relationship; I do not believe that
we can put the bones together
of the body
extend our metaphor
further, let us consider
the body's muscles – that
which makes the body
move. I believe the
muscles are the
activities or ministries
of the body. Oddly
enough, muscles in the
body work against each
other. In other words,
some muscles bend my arm
while others extend it.
So it is in the body of
Christ. The activities
of the body work in
tension, some bending
and some extending as
the body moves. For
years I missed this
point completely. I
wanted to be with a
group of people who
thought, believed,
preached and dressed
like me. If I had
succeeded, I would have
constructed a paralyzed
body of Christ,
incapable of moving at
all. The secret of the
body's activity is the
tensions within it.
Properly balanced
tensions make the body
function. Unbalanced
tensions paralyze it.
instance, you've
probably seen a crippled
person whose arm is bent
up tightly, close to his
body. This happens
because the muscles that
normally straighten the
arm have failed, and
cannot counterbalance
the action of the
muscles that bend the
arm. Some bodies of
Christ walk with their
arms like that: only
half the muscles are
tensions in
the body
are six different
tensions in the body of
Christ. I think most of
us in our churches or
prayer groups experience
these: (1) institutional
versus charismatic; (2)
what we call
"fixed-form" worship
versus spontaneous~Which
is right? Both; (3)
tradition versus
immediate truth-Which do
we need? Both; (4)
evangelism versus
pastoral care-the
evangelist says,
"Brother, all we need to
do is tell people about
the Lord." The pastor
says, "What are you
going to do with the
ones that are saved
already?" That's a
natural and proper
tension in the body; (6)
plurality versus
leadership - Many
different kinds of
people are serving the
Lord, but we must have
leadership over them
all. We've got to make
room for both.
Now let
me mention some common,
personal tensions in the
body: the outgoing
versus the reflective;
the impulsive versus the
cautious; the
inspirational versus the
analytical; the
versus the practical
administrative. Instead
of bemoaning the
presence of these
differences in the body,
let us thank God that he
has placed them there.
Without them, the body
of Christ is swiftly on
its way to paralysis.
But with the creative
tension of these
differences the whole
body and all its parts
can work effectively.
In his
word, God gives us a
vision for the completed
body of Christ. He tells
us what it should look
like and how it should
function. If our work is
to be fruitful and
enduring, we must pay
close attention to his
plan and set aside our
own. We need the sturdy
raw material of upright,
personal character. We
need the seven unities
of the body. We must
have the diversity of
the ministries and their
proper functioning.
Neither can we do
without the ligaments of
covenant love that bind
the members together nor
the muscle-like,
counterbalancing action
of the various
ministries and
If we do
not submit to God's plan
and his ministries, God
gives us only one
retardation and deception.
But if we diligently
follow his blueprint for
the body of Christ, what
we will attain to is
nothing less than the
glory of Christ on
article was first published in New
Covenant, January 1976, Servant
Publications, Ann Arbor, Michigan USA.
Prince (1915–2003) was born in
India of British parents. Educated as
a scholar of Greek and Latin at Eton
College and Cambridge University,
England, he held a Fellowship in
Ancient and Modern Philosophy at
King’s College. He also studied Hebrew
and Aramaic, at Cambridge University
and the Hebrew University in
Jerusalem. While serving with the
British army in World War II, he began
to study the Bible and experienced a
life-changing encounter with Jesus
Christ. Out of this encounter he
formed two conclusions: first, that
Jesus Christ is alive; second, that
the Bible is a true, relevant,
up-to-date book. These conclusions
altered the whole course of his life,
which he then devoted to studying and
teaching the Bible.