to Person: A practical approach to
effective evangelism
Evangelism: Part 5
by Jim Berlucchi
Is the job of evangelism
completed once an individual
has made a commitment to Jesus Christ? Not if
we take seriously the teaching
of Jesus about the kingdom of God.
Jesus Christ came among
men preaching the kingdom
of God. Now this phrase “the kingdom of God”
sounds strange to modern ears.
Nevertheless, we should understand what Jesus
meant by this kingdom. When
the people of Galilee begged him to stay with
them, he replied by saying,
“I must preach the kingdom of God to other
cities also; for I was sent
for this purpose” (Luke 4:43). Later, Luke
records that “he went on through
cities and villages, preaching and bringing
the good news of the kingdom
of God” (Luke 8:1). There are literally scores
of references to this kingdom
cited throughout the Old and New Testaments.
Just what is this
kingdom? On earth it is that
human society which has come under the reign
of Jesus Christ. The kingdom
then, is a society of believers under the
reign of God awaiting its full
establishment at Christ’s return. This
redeemed society is distinct from
the kingdom of this world, the other human
society where Jesus is not acknowledged
as Lord.
Jesus’ intention in
evangelism is not simply to
redeem individuals (though this is crucial)
but to incorporate them, into
a transformed community. It is within the body
of Christ that believers
are brought to maturity and fruitfulness.
Together, their lives give witness
to the world that Jesus is Lord, extending his
influence to bring others
into that new life. “He has delivered us from
the dominion of darkness
and transferred us to the kingdom of his
beloved Son” (Colossians 1:13).
Peter highlights this fact also: “But you are
a chosen race, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, God’s own people that you may
declare the wonderful deeds
of him who called you out of darkness into his
marvelous light” (1 Peter
God wants to win others
to himself through
his kingdom and into his kingdom. This
is the basis upon which to
understand our personal involvement in
evangelism: A widely accepted misunderstanding
of the gospel undercuts God’s full intention
with evangelism. One might
refer to it as the abbreviated gospel.
The inadequacy of this
notion of the nature of
the good news naturally leads to an
understanding of evangelism that is
highly individualized and short-sighted. It
often limits the focus of personal
witnessing to helping others make a verbal
acceptance of Christ without
emphasizing the ongoing need for commitment
and relationship with other
Christians. The fruit borne can be dramatic,
but it is often woefully short-lived.
Consider the following examples of this kind
of approach:
According to Gallup poll
surveys conducted in the
United States between 1976-2005 an average
of 39 percent of adult Americans
claim to have been borne again. This is a
startling statistic, indeed,
when one considers the obvious realities of
modern life. Statistics of
divorce rates, sexual promiscuity, and
widespread cheating in business
and industry, fly in the face of the claim
on the part of one out of every
three adult Americans to have been born
again. Where are these millions
of Christians? Where is the evidence of
their redemptive influence upon
our post-Christian culture? Might they have
died prematurely, withered
on the vine?
A man’s dormitory in a
nominal Christian university
is visited one evening by a touring
evangelistic troupe. Upon presenting
the gospel message, the leader asks for
commitment from the students, to
be indicated by the raising of hands.
Virtually all of the 200 students
in attendance make this commitment to
Christ. Publicized as one of its
most notable evangelistic successes, the
evangelistic group makes little
or no effort to follow-up on these
decisions. Satisfied that arm-lifting
indicates conversion, the group is unaware
that no observable change occurs
in the lives of the students. Premarital sex
and drunkenness continue to
thrive in that particular dormitory.
A nationally renowned
entertainer claims conversion
to Christ. After recording a hit song about
the experience, he resumes
his former blatantly decadent lifestyle.
A professional athlete
who is avowedly and publicly
born-again divorces his wife, remarries, and
divorces again.
One can think of countless
examples of this kind
of evangelism and its distorted Christian
ideology. I remember leading
a young man to Christ about ten years ago. As he
prayed aloud his commitment,
I thought, “Thank God, he crossed over.” Because
I had a stunted understanding
of the gospel, I did not industriously help him
to establish a prayer life,
join a church, or improve his marriage. Six
months later he admitted sadly,
“You know, I asked God into my life and had a
great momentary experience.
But now I look back and see that my life is the
same as before. I haven’t
changed at all.”
Paul says:
“Him we
proclaim, warning everyone and
teaching everyone in all wisdom, that we
may present everyone mature
in Christ. For this I toil, striving
with all the energy which he mightily
inspires within me” (Colossians 1:28-29).
Authentic evangelism is not
completed when the message
of salvation is verbally proclaimed. Neither has
it fully succeeded when
people respond with faith and commitment. These
are crucial elements but
more is needed to establish new believers in a
productive and enduring
Christian way of life.

I would suggest that we
understand authentic evangelism
as the process by which we, as members of a
redeemed community, help others
to establish, re-establish, or significantly
deepen a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ. The process of evangelism
is not complete, however,
until the individual is helped to take the
crucial steps which promote
and insure ongoing growth in the Christian
life. This would include connection
with some kind of vital, committed Christian
We can see, then, that
our goal in evangelism
is not simply to help others make decisions
for Christ or accept Christ
as Lord although this is of absolute
importance. Rather it is to help them
also to establish a basic Christian lifestyle
that will be fruitful in
years to come. We want to produce “fruit that
will abide” – the kind of
fruit that Jesus desires his disciples bear
and that proves that they are
his disciples. Like the great evangelist and
apostle Paul, our vision for
evangelism should be the full, uncondensed
version: “Him we proclaim, warning
every man and teaching every man in all
wisdom, that we may present
everyone mature in Christ. For this I
toil, striving with all energy
which he mightily inspires within me”
(Colossians 1:28-29).
Paul toiled endlessly not
just to verbally declare
the gospel, but also for the full integration
of that gospel into the lives
of his converts. In other words, he was not
satisfied with only a personal
decision for Christ. His aim was that the
full life of Christ be worked
out in each individual.
This approach has many
implications for our personal
involvement in evangelism. First, it extends
our responsibility and concern
beyond mere verbal proclamation aimed to
provide a quick decision.
Second, it implies that
we, as Christ’s witnesses,
can most effectively reach others if we are
rooted in Christ and in solid
Christian relationships. The more we
evangelize out of the context of strong
Christian relationships, the more effective we
are in reaching others.
Not only do we have more resources to rely on,
but our own lives will witness
to the joy of redeemed relationships. We can
genuinely say to others, “Come
and see.”
Third, an accurate
understanding of the full gospel
message greatly increases our field of
harvest. We are not only now considering
these people who are avowedly non-Christian.
Rather, our outreach includes
the many thousands who perhaps profess Christ
and yet are not solidly rooted
or growing in Christ. Our harvest could
accurately include many of those
born-again adults who have failed to grow to
Christian maturity. Evangelism
then, can feasibly include anything from
helping someone commit or recommit
their life to Christ to introducing an
isolated and weak Christian to a
thriving Christian environment.
Our commission as
Christians is thus both extensive
and challenging. As members of the body of
Christ, we are trying to bring
others into the full life that Jesus alone can
give. Within this supportive
Christian environment, we can apply the
principles of personal evangelism
that will truly contribute to changing the
> Part
Portrait of the Christian Ambassador
article is adapted from the book, Person
to Person: How to be effective
in evangelism, © 1984 by Jim
Berlucchi, and published by Servants
Books, Ann Arbor.]
Jim Berlucchi is the
Director at Spitzer
Center for
Ethical Leadership. He
formerly served as the Executive
Director of
Legatus, an international
association of Catholic CEOs. He is
the work/life
columnist for Faith
Magazine, and a published
composer and recording artist.
Sample audio
clips of his music are
available online.
He served for many years as a
community leader in The Word of God
and The
Sword of the Spirit.He and his wife
Judy reside in Dexter, Michigan,
They are the grateful parents of
eight children and enjoy a steadily
number of grandchildren. |