Fill the empty spaces of my life, O Lord,
and flood them with your very presence:
those hidden places in my heart
where I so long to love you more
(and to be cherished!);
those quiet corners of my house
and spacious rooms where I live
waiting for my guests;
those silent hours
when no one is around
to listen to the little doings of my day
or unravel the thoughts tangled in my mind;
and that still solitude
in which I grieve the life once lived with sisters
and mourn my parents’ early absence.
Yes, meet me in these empty spaces, Lord,
and make of each
a lovers’ trysting place.
This poem © 2021 by Jeanne Kun is included in a book of collected poems, Gladly Given to God. Used with permission of the author.
- See also Bethany Revisited: My Love’s Anointing, by Jeanne Kun
Top image credit: Dark room with open Bible and window, from, © by Fotozon, stock image ID: 1663708. Used with permission.
Jeanne Kun is a noted author, and a member of Bethany Association, an international, ecumenical association of women living single for the Lord in various communities of The Sword of the Spirit, and a senior woman leader in the Word of Life Community, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.