Send me! 

In the book of Isaiah, Isaiah sees the Lord in a vision. Then he hears the voice of the Lord saying, 

“Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Isaiah then responds, “Here am I! Send me.” 

Isaiah 6:8

God was looking for someone to send as his prophet. Isaiah had the perfect attitude. He said, here I am, send me. He was all up for it. He wasn’t waiting for someone else to pick up the ball, he was putting himself forward, volunteering his time and effort, indeed, volunteering his life, to the Lord for his service. 

When you hear God calling or see an opportunity to serve him, do you have the right attitude? Are you all up for it? Do you say “Send me”? Do you say “Use me”?

Pray this short prayer today, and watch out for opportunities for the Lord to use you. Pray, “Use me. Use me today, Lord, for your service.”

This reflection by Paul Codouni is excerpted from the Pray by Day column featured in the Sword of the Spirit website.

Top photo credit: Photo by D. Schwager, taken in N. Ireland 2007, © Servants of the Word.

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