Essays in Honor of Stephen B. Clark

This book of 12 essays is edited by Dan Keating and published by the Servants of the Word © 2023. It is currently available online and can be downloaded in PDF format.


  • Preface, by Daniel A. Keating, General Editor
  • CHAPTER 1: An Introduction to the Life of Steve Clark, by Mike Shaughnessy, page 7
  • CHAPTER 2: The People of God as Ecumenical Imperative: The Ecumenical Legacy of Stephen B. Clark, by Mark S. Kinzer, page 17
  • CHAPTER 3: God’s Glory Revealed in Christ, by John P. Yocum, page 37
  • CHAPTER 4: Mary of Bethany: Love Beyond Measure, by Jeanne Kun, page 51
  • CHAPTER 5: Forming Mature Disciples of Jesus Among the Members of Generation Z, by Thomas E. Bergler, page 69
  • CHAPTER 6: Original Mortality in Athanasius, by Joseph Mathias, page 89
  • CHAPTER 7: Ressourcement and the Renewal of Christian Life, by Jake C. Yap, page 105
  • CHAPTER 8: Appreciation for Biblical Femininity in Man and Woman in Christ, by Molly Kilpatrick, page 125
  • CHAPTER 9: Paul and the Law: The Stages of God’s Plan, by Daniel A. Keating, page 143
  • CHAPTER 10: Covenant Communities, by Msgr. Robert Oliver, page 161
  • CHAPTER 11: A Reflection on Man and Woman in Christ by Stephen B. Clark: Where We’ve Come in the Last Forty Years, by Jim Kolar, page 171
  • CHAPTER 12: Heavenly Citizenship, by Luis Arce, page 195

This book, “Our Hope of Sharing the Glory of God” – Essays in Honor of Stephen B. Clark, edited by Daniel A. Keating, is published by the Servants of the Word, © 2023. 

This book is available online in PDF format and can be downloaded as well.

Top image credit: Book cover, courtesy of the Servants of the Word.

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