The Lord can transform our weakness into strength How often God chooses the most improbable people to move forward his…
Mary took a pound of costly ointment of pure nard and anointed the feet of Jesus . . . and…
Fill the empty spaces of my life, O Lord,and flood them with your very presence: those hidden places in my heartwhere I so long to love you more(and to be cherished!); those quiet corners of my house and spacious rooms where I livewaiting for my guests; those silent hourswhen no one is aroundto listen to the little doings of my dayor unravel the thoughts tangled in my mind; and that still solitudein which I grieve the life once lived with sistersand mourn my parents’ early absence. Yes, meet me in these empty spaces, Lord,and make of eacha lovers’ trysting place. This poem © 2021 by Jeanne Kun is included in a book…
(Based on Luke 2:36-38) I stand, Lord, keeping eager watchas Anna did in distant times before me,filling the full measure…
(Based on Matthew 2:1-12) A star rises in the silence of the nightand shatters the deep darkness of my heart’sloneliness…
I Mary, pregnant virgin!Of what did you thinkas you carried God beneath your heart,bone of your bone,flesh of your flesh?…
“Don’t be sad,” Father Alfred Delp wrote to a friend from a Nazi prison as he waited for his death…
Intro: Jeanne Kun is a prolific writer. She has authored many books and articles for The Word Among Us on various Christian…
Introduction As an undergraduate student at university, I was motivated by Steve Clark’s encouragement to young people in the charismatic…
Not only a king but also a priest forever; this is the surprising promise God makes to his Anointed in…