A noted speaker
and writer on marriage,
parenting, and end-of-life
issues, Johan Christophe Arnold
is a senior pastor of the Bruderhof,
a movement of Christian
communities. With his wife,
Verena, he has counseled
thousands of individuals and
families over the last forty
years. |
Blessed are the pure in
heart, for they shall see God.
Matthew 5:8
Therefore, since we have these promises,
dear friends,
let us purify ourselves from everything that
body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of
reverence for God.
2 Corinthians 7:1
Søren Kierkegaard says that purity of heart is
to will one thing. That one thing is God and his
will. Apart from God, our hearts remain
hopelessly divided. What is impurity, then?
Impurity is separation from God. In the sexual
sphere it is the misuse of sex, which occurs
whenever sex is used in any way that is
forbidden by him.
Impurity never pollutes us from without. It
cannot be outwardly wiped away at will.
Originating in our imagination, it breaks out
from inside us like an infected sore (Matt.
15:16–20). An impure heart is never satisfied,
never whole: it always wants to steal something
for itself, and
even then lusts for still more. Impurity stains
the soul, corrupts the conscience, destroys the
coherence of life, and eventually leads to
spiritual death.
An impure heart is
neither satisfied nor free.
Whenever we allow our soul to be touched by
impurity, we open it to a demonic force that has
power to gain control over every sphere of our
life, not only the sexual. Impurity can take the
form of idolatrous passion for professional
sports; it can be the ambitious craving for
prestige or power over other people. If we are
ruled by anything but Christ, we are living in
Impurity in the sexual sphere often consists in
using another person, even when there is
consent, solely in order to satisfy desire. It
is there wherever people enter into situations
of sexual intimacy with no intention of forming
a lasting bond.
One of the starkest forms of impurity occurs
when a person pays money for sex. A person who
does this “becomes one with the prostitute,” as
the Apostle Paul says, because he is using the
body of another human being simply as a thing, a
means of self-gratification. In doing this he
commits a crime against the other person, but
also against himself (1 Cor. 6:15–20). Even in
marriage, sex for its own sake is sex separated
from God. As Dietrich von Hildebrand writes, it
possesses a poisonous sweetness that paralyzes
and destroys.
It would be a grave mistake, however, to imagine
that the opposite of impurity is the absence of
sexual feeling. In fact, the lack of sexual
awareness is not necessarily even fertile ground
for purity. A person who has no sensitivity to
sex is in actual fact an incomplete person: he
or she lacks something not only in natural
disposition, but in that which gives color to
his or her whole being.
People who seek to live a pure life do not
despise sex. They are simply free from prudish
fear and hypocritical shows of disgust. But they
never lose reverence for the mystery of sex, and
they will keep a respectful distance from it
until they are called by God to enter its
territory through marriage.
For unmarried Christians, suppression of sexual
feelings or simply avoiding the opposite sex is
not the answer; only when they are surrendered
completely to Christ will purity be found. In
marriage, two people entrust the special
holiness of the sexual area to each other. Yet
in the deepest sense it is not they who give
this gift to each other, but God, who created us
all as sexual beings. Thus, whenever we give in
to temptation–even if only in our thoughts–we
are sinning against God, who created our
sexuality for his purpose.
God wants to give inner harmony and decisive
clarity to every heart. In this lies purity
(James 4:8). As my grandfather, Eberhard Arnold,
If the heart is not clear and
undivided–“single,” as Jesus put it–then it is
weak, flabby, and indolent, incapable of
accepting God’s will, of making important
decisions, or of taking strong action. That is
the reason why Jesus attached the greatest
significance to singleness of heart,
simplicity, unity, solidarity, and
decisiveness. Purity of heart is nothing else
than absolute integrity, which can overcome
desires that enervate and divide. Determined
single-heartedness is what the heart needs in
order to be receptive, truthful and upright,
confident and brave, firm and strong.12
The key to purity is
In the Beatitudes Jesus blesses the pure and the
meek; he says that they shall inherit the earth
and see God. Purity and meekness belong
together, because they both arise from complete
surrender to God. In fact, they depend on it.
But purity and meekness are not inborn; they
must be struggled for again and again. There are
few things more wonderful a Christian can strive
The struggle against sexual impurity is not just
a problem for young adults. For many people, it
does not lessen as they grow older and more
mature, but remains a serious struggle for life.
Certainly a desire to live a pure life is good
and necessary, yet it remains impossible for
anyone to simply “resolve” never to give in to
temptation again. Only through the experience of
forgiveness can the gift of purity be given. And
even then, our battle against temptations will
continue. Still, we can take courage. No matter
how often or how sorely we are tempted, Jesus
will plead to God on our behalf if we ask him.
In him we have the promise that we can find
victory over every temptation (1 Corinthian
Yet only the humble can experience God’s
infinite goodness. The proud never can. Proud
people open their hearts to all sorts of evil:
impurity, lying, stealing, and the spirit of
murder. Where there is one of these sins, the
others will not be far behind. People who strive
for purity in their own strength will always be
stumbling. Seemingly self-confident, they fall
into darkness and sin
because they think they can handle their
problems on their own.
Each of us faces temptations in the sexual area,
and our only hope in overcoming them lies in our
willingness to confess our struggle to someone
we trust. When we do this, we discover that we
are by no means unique.
Frank, a young man who has shared with me about
his struggle for purity, writes:
Even as a small child, I considered
myself to be a special and “spiritual” person.
Once I established this image, I found it
extremely difficult to share my problems with
my parents or with anyone else. As I grew up,
all my energy went into being a “good” boy. I
would watch people I thought were “cool,” and
I would try to imitate them. This
self-obsession continued during my college
years. I chose to follow the crowd and drift
along wherever the stream of college life took
As I grew older, I saw my peers maturing into
functional adults. Scared that I was being
left behind, I refined my efforts to hide my
deep insecurity, a problem that by now
amounted to a mental disorder. Rather than
look for suave role models, I turned to men
who seemed to be spiritually gifted and tried
to copy them.
As the years went by, my fear that something
might be chronically wrong with my life
increased. Because of my pride, I was
tormented and plagued by mistrust, doubts, and
hatred. At the same time I led a secret life
of sexual impurity. But I suppressed all this
and lived in constant fear of being found out.
Too often I have watched people who could have
been helped early on lose hope and slide further
into sexual sin. Like an avalanche, their
problems mount. Some even fall into a life of
crime, drugs, and alcohol abuse simply because
they see no way out. Often all such a person
needs is a friend or pastor to point him toward
God and encourage him to work for the purity he
actually craves. (Frank eventually confronted
his desperate need and asked for help.) A
person’s intense self-absorption, which is often
camouflaged pride, shields him from the great
promise that every temptation can be overcome–if
only he is willing to admit his failings and
turn away from himself.
Humble people, on the other hand, live in God’s
strength. They may fall, but God will always
lift them up and rescue them from a downward
Of course, not only our struggles but everything
in our lives should be placed under Jesus. Jesus
overcomes the desires that tear us apart and
dissipate our strength. The more firmly we are
gripped by his Spirit, the nearer we will come
to finding our true character.
Who is pure in
In the Sermon on the Mount we can see how
seriously Jesus takes the daily fight for
purity. He says that if we look at another
person with a lustful glance, we have already
committed adultery in our hearts (Matt.
5:27–30). The fact that Jesus warns so sharply
against lustful thoughts–let alone lustful
actions–should show us how important a decisive
attitude of heart is in this fight.
Bonhoeffer writes, “Who is pure in heart? Only
those who have surrendered their hearts
completely to Jesus that he alone may remain in
them; only those whose hearts are undefiled by
their own evil–and by their own virtue as
Pure men and women are able to discern both the
good and the evil in the sexual sphere. They are
awake to its intrinsic qualities and fully aware
of its goodness and beauty as a gift from God.
But they are also keenly aware that even the
slightest misuse of this gift opens the door to
evil spirits, and they know they cannot free
themselves from these spirits in their own
strength. That is why they avoid every
situation, including images, that defiles the
soul, and abhor the thought of leading others
into sin.
It is of vital importance that in our fight for
purity we reject everything that belongs to the
domain of sexual immorality, including greed,
vanity, and every other form of self-indulgence.
Our attitude cannot be one of “partial”
fascination with lust–only one of complete
rejection. If
our hearts are pure, we will react instinctively
against anything that threatens to cloud this
Here the church community has a great
responsibility to fight daily for an atmosphere
of purity among all of its members (Ephesians
5:3–4). Accountability and mutual support are
paramount. But the fight for purity must also go
hand in hand with the fight for justice and the
common good, because there is no true purity of
heart without a feeling for the need and
suffering of others (James 1:26–27). Purity is
not just related to the sexual area; to know
that a neighbor is hungry and to go to bed
without giving him food is to defile one’s
heart. That is why the early
Christians pooled everything they
possessed–their food and drink, their goods,
their strength, even their intellectual and
creative activity–and gave it up to God in
service to others. Because they were of one
heart and soul and held all things in common,
they could battle evil in all its forms as one
united fellowship.
This article is excerpted from Sex,
God, & Marriage, Chapter
7, The Pure in Heart, by Johann
Christoph Arnold, published by Plough
Publishing House, Walden, New York,
Robertsbridge, England, Elsmore, Australia.
Copyright ©1996, 2015 by Plough Publishing
House. www.plough.com Used with permission.
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