Scripture - Matthew
"Just then a woman who
had been subject to bleeding for
twelve years came up behind him and
touched the edge of his cloak. She
said to herself, "If I only touch
his cloak, I will be healed." Jesus
turned and saw her. "Daughter, take
courage" he said...
The story of this woman is told in 3
of the 4 gospels and in each account,
she is not named. She is known only by
her issue- that she has been
bleeding for 12 years. We see this
often in Scripture- stories are told
of people known only by their issue-
blind man, leper, adulterer, deaf,
dumb, possessed. Perhaps you sometimes
feel this way- that you are walking
through life and are known only by
your issue. Something you've done,
something that's been done to you.
Something that haunts you, separates
We learn a bit more about this
particular woman in Mark and Luke's
version of the story- that she had
spent all she had on treatment, but
still was unwell. This woman had been
suffering for a long time, was labeled
by her issue, and was spent. She had
nothing left. By all accounts, this
woman was exhausted and desperate.
Sometimes miraculous things happen
when we reach this point in our life,
when, out of absolute exhaustion and
desperation we lift our heads and gaze
at our Creator and cry for help.
How does Jesus respond to her? He
says, "Daughter, take
courage!" Jesus says to
her- give me your fear and I will
give you my courage. Take courage.
Leave fear behind. But not only that-
he gives her a name.
This name gives her value. It gives
her dignity. It gives her worth.
Matthew, Luke and Mark all referred to
this woman as "suffering, spent,
scared". We all have these words-
words we use to describe ourselves our
words we think describe how others
view us: scared, anxious, depressed,
bitter, sad, broken, single, angry,
barren, scarred, not enough, not
whole, not beautiful, inadequate,
overwhelmed, not good enough, dumb,
fearful, weird, different, too much,
too little. But in those moments when
we are completely spent, exhausted and
desperate and just lift our arm to
reach for the edge of Jesus' cloak, we
will hear a different name, a
different voice. We will hear Jesus,
and he will call us "daughter". All of
the words we feel DESCRIBE us fall
away, and we are left with a word that
DEFINES us. This woman was not her
issue- you are not your issue. You are
a person with a soul and identity- a
daughter of God. Take heart,
take courage.
"Father, today I give over to you
all of the ways I feel I am not
enough (name them!). I bring to you
all of my issues- big and small- and
place them on your alter. Today,
Father, I am reaching to touch the
edge of your cloak. Help me to hear
your words to this woman in my own
heart, help me to know deep in my
heart that I am your daughter. I
believe in you, I believe you are my
Father and that you created me and
know me. Help me today to live as a
joy-filled, healed, and renewed

Your Faith Has Made You Well
a morning meditation
by Mary Rose Jordan
Matthew 9:20-22
Just then a woman who
had been subject to bleeding for
twelve years came up behind him and
touched the edge of his (Jesus')
cloak. She said to herself, "If I
only touch his cloak, I will be
healed." Jesus turned and saw her.
"Take heart, daughter," he said,
"your faith has made you well". And
at that moment, the woman was
I know- this may look familiar to
you! This is the same scripture
passage I used for the last
meditation. Sometimes different things
stand out to us when we read
Scripture. The Lord uses Scripture to
speak in different ways to us and we
hear and read things differently
depending on what is happening in our
These verses contained 2 phrases
which stood out to me and Joanna Lewis
(the awesome graphic artist who helped
design the images for these
meditations!) when we were putting
together this series. The first,
"Daughter, take courage" we looked at
last week. Today, we are focusing on
"your faith has made you well". I
want to take a quick look at this
courageous woman's thoughts and
actions and what must have been moving
in her heart that day...
She had probably heard that Jesus was
visiting where she lived. She had
likely heard of his reputation as a
healer, as a restorer. She had been
sick for so long. She had been waiting
for a healing miracle for so
long. I can imagine something
stirring in her heart- a heart
that perhaps had been hardened,
damaged, left feeling hopeless from
years of unsuccessful treatments and
medicine. But something does stir- she
knows if she can just get close to him
she will be healed. She has complete
confidence this will happen. So
she shows up (sometimes the hardest
thing to do!). She is jostled in the
crowd of people wanting to see Jesus.
She is weak and feeble from being ill
for so long. But the stirring in her
heart does not go away and she reaches
through the people, thinking 'if I can
just touch the hem of his
I cannot tell you many times during
prayer I have found myself desperately
thinking of this woman and crying out,
'Jesus, if I could but touch the hem
of your garment'. It can be hard to
keep faith that the Lord will provide,
will heal, will restore. It can be
easy to lose hope, to give up or
to let your heart be hardened to the
Lord because you feel he hasn't
provided. It can be easy for our trust
in the Lord to begin to wain when,
over time, we feel our prayers go
unanswered or that we have had to wait
too long. In times of hopelessness,
distrust, abandonment, sickness, or
loneliness, let us not forget this
What have you been trusting, waiting,
searching for from the Lord? Whatever
it is- do not give up! Weeks, months
or maybe even years have passed, but
just like this woman, keep on praying!
Keep seeking! Keep asking! Keep
reaching for Jesus! God is
faithful and HE WILL PROVIDE.
Let us never forget the words he said
to his daughter that day:
your faith
has made you well.
let's rise up this morning, take
courage, and go through our day
remembering that the Lord is near to
all who call out to Him.
Heavenly Father, may I have faith
like this woman. Help me to be
completely confident in your
provision and will. Help me to be
completely peaceful in knowing your
care and love for me is very, very
strong. I love you Lord, strengthen
my faith today. Let me be a light to
those around me.
[illustrations by
Joanna Lewis]