November 2015 - Vol. 82
a Nutshell is a video presentation
given in 2013 in the USA for a Kairos
Benefit Breakfast - An Open Door to
International - Raising Young Disciples
to Maturity
by Michael Shaughnessy
an international federation of Christian
outreaches serving people aged 13-30. As
an outreach of the Sword of the Spirit,
Kairos exists to impact the lives of
young people by promoting the gospel of
Jesus Christ and the fullness of life
that comes through the Holy Spirit to
the glory of God the Father.
Kairos specifically recognizes the need
for young people to make it all the way
to becoming mature adult disciples – far
too many make it only part way. Raising
young disciples to maturity demands a
comprehensive approach, not just one
that works while they are part of a
youth group.
The Kairos Youth Bridge
captures this understanding and applies
it. A bridge is only effective if it
reaches from shore to shore. Our
standard for youth work is getting youth
from Christian childhood to Christian
adulthood. To do this, Kairos provides
every youth with support every step of
the way. We build lives, not just
Young people live in a Kairos season – a
time when they establish who they are
and who they will become. They set their
moral standards, consider a religious
vocation or find a marriage partner, and
choose a career. Most importantly, young
people are in a special position to make
a decision to follow Jesus Christ. In
many ways, it is the most important time
of their lives.
We also believe the era we live in now
is a Kairos time, a special season when
God’s grace is available, a season in
which he is raising up a generation of
young people who will fully commit their
lives to him and take a stand for the
glory of his name.
> See related article on the Kairos
Youth Bridge:
You can
also get in touch with the
Kairos regions:
> See
related Kairos articles and
reflections in this issue:
Michael Shaughnessy is the
director for the Sword of the Spirit both in
North America and Internationally. He is the
editor of the Kairos
Culture Newsletter.
Kairos is an international federation of
outreaches to high school, university and post
university aged people.
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