2009 - Vol. 33

Sarah (front center) with University
Christian Outreach dorm friends
to a Decision
Sarah Hughes
Growing up as
a “community kid”
Here is my true confession: I am through and
through a “community kid.” Born and raised in Ann Arbor Michigan, a coordinator’s
daughter, with parents who met and married in the community, and years
of faithful (read: coerced) attendance at prayer meetings, retreats, and
small group—there is no disentangling my personal history from the influence
of the Sword of the Spirit. Over the past few years of my life though,
I’ve been transitioning and becoming an adult in the community. The process
has given rise to some reflection, as non-CK’s sometimes ask me questions
like, “What’s it like having grown up as a community kid?” or, more often,
“Why in the world did you decide to stay here?”
There are a whole lot of things that could be
said about being a community kid. What I see as most important though in
the sometimes tumultuous journey is that for every community kid there
comes a time in which they need to make a choice. At some point a decision
of ownership is necessary, a personal yes or no to this thing their parents
brought them into without their informed consent. The story I want to tell
of my life as a community kid is of that choice—how did I come to see the
abundant life we have in the Sword of the Spirit, hear the Lord’s call,
and choose to take it on as my own?
Afraid to step
out of my comfort zone
For the first part of my life, I definitely didn’t
realize or understand what this thing was that I had been born into, growing
up in the Word of Life
in Ann Arbor. In my young mind, I just thought my family went to these
prayer meetings every other Sunday afternoon that were, to put it mildly,
pretty different from church. I didn’t know quite how to explain it all
to my friends, so generally just avoided the topic. Another topic I avoided
was charismatic worship. It wasn’t exactly that the worship at prayer meetings
freaked me out—I was used to it. But all the raising of hands and praying
in tongues and prophesying and talk of receiving the Holy Spirit made me
nervous. I was afraid to be asked to do something that would make me look
strange or involve stepping out of my comfort zone, so I would keep my
hands firmly grasping my songbook with eyes glued to the page so as to
avoid being called on to do anything more—“See God, I can’t raise my hands
or close my eyes, I need to hold open the songbook to read the words…”
I realized vaguely that other people were receiving life from all of this
and part of me wanted that, but another bigger part of me was afraid.

Sarah in Detroit with students
A mindset of service
and mission
When I got into high school, I began to notice
that things my family did were different in other ways and that this community
thing influenced my life in more than just going to weird prayer meetings.
For example, my family actually made an effort to sit down for dinner together
and make family time a priority—something most of my friends, even Christian
friends, didn’t do. We celebrated the Lord’s Day together almost every
Saturday and my mom would make amazing challah bread—another thing my friends
didn’t have and were really jealous of when they got to taste her bread.
I was also encouraged to go on a lot of mission trips. My parents wanted
me to have a mindset of service and an outward focus. I spent a lot of
time in Detroit with my aunt, Sue Cummins, and went to Mexico on a mission
trip—both awesome, formative experiences for a young teen. As a part of
these mission trips, I worked with small groups of other teenagers serving
the poor and needy in construction projects, soup kitchens, and orphanage
visits among other things. These interactions helped me realize how much
I had been given and needed to give back. During the mission trip to Mexico,
I received baptism in the Holy Spirit, which was the beginning of the Lord
working powerfully in my life to release me from fears that had previously
chained me.
When I graduated from high school and began to
enter into life more on my own though, was when I began to more fully experience
and also understand the abundance of the life we have in the Sword of the
Spirit with strong, supportive relationships with fellow Christians, a
common vision for mission, a rich personal relationship with the Lord,
and life in the Holy Spirit. Part of this came as I got involved in University
Christian Outreach (UCO) at the University of Michigan. Suddenly, the
“community” I was a part of wasn’t about my parents and their friends,
but about my peers. Living on a sometimes brutally anti-Christian campus,
support and fellowship became vital, and I was tangibly blessed by the
way my peers in UCO came around me and called me on—community life.
Living for a season
in another community
Another eye-opening experience came in being
able to spend time with the Jerusalem
community in Belgium. I am convinced that every community kid should
spend some amount of time living in a community other than the one they
grew up in—they need a chance to see what community is all about from an
outsider’s perspective. I was hugely blessed to have the Collet
family in Belgium open their home to me and allow me to be a part of
their life and community for three months. Although far from home and everything
I knew, I was yet able to be a part of a people who were living in a way
that I was familiar with—meals together, family as a priority, celebrating
the Lord’s Day, charismatic worship, small groups, ecumenism, and covenant
relationships. I got a taste for the abundance of the international life
we have in the Sword of the Spirit—the fact that there are people all around
the world working to serve the Lord and fight for this distinctly Christian
lifestyle and who would welcome me into their homes just because of the
bond we share in the Sword of the Spirit.

Sarah and mates "chill out"
in the UCO summer household
Experiencing the
Lord’s invitation to community
But it was actually at my first Summer Conference
with the North American Region that I most clearly experienced the Lord
calling me to be a part of the Sword of the Spirit. I was deeply struck
that weekend by the beauty and power of trans-generational worship. The
worship times blew me away with their depth and richness; a beautiful harmony
of voices loudly proclaimed the Lord’s praises, followed by earnest attentiveness
in listening for the word of the Lord and expressions of wholehearted dedication
to serve him. I remember thinking how it was such an awesome combination:
You had the energy and zeal of the young people, ready to worship and dance
all night, combined with the wisdom and endurance of the older folks, people
who had been faithfully serving the Lord, praying daily, and listening
to his voice for years. Something about the worship touched my heart, and
I remember looking around and thinking, “These are people from all walks
of life who really know and love the Lord. They have chosen for ecumenical,
charismatic, covenant community, things which have shaped and continue
to inspire my heart. These are the kind of people that I want to live my
life with.” Later during the conference, a prophecy was given that was
something to the effect of, “For those of you have not yet decided if life
in the Sword of the Spirit is what the Lord has for you, this is your invitation
to answer the call.” And I thought, alright Lord, that’s me, I want to
answer that invitation and make this thing my own.
So here I am today, continuing to grow in and
experience this sometimes crazy, but abundant life in the Sword of the
Spirit. The more I taste and see as an adult this call the Lord has placed
on my heart, the more deeply I understand and appreciate my parents’ decision
to be a part of the Sword of the Spirit and want to make similar decisions
with my own life. From coerced-community-kid beginnings, I’ve come to my
own decision and it looks like I’m here to stay.
Sarah Hughes is an undergraduate
student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. She is
actively involved in student evangelism with University
Christian Outreach.
Sarah (left front) with
her family |
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