North American 2011 Winter Conference
January, about 400 college students from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan,
Vancouver, Quebec, Minnesota, Ontario, Maryland, and Florida, traveled
to the annual Kairos Winter Conference in Columbus, Ohio. The theme this
year was For the Praise of His Glory. It was a weekend of worship, teaching,
fellowship, encouragement, and fun.

of the main highlights for me,” shared Alex, who leads a UCO household
at MSU, “was the prayer ministry during the men’s session. I was able to
pull together the guys from our house so we could pray as a group. The
Lord did something during that time of prayer. There had been a temptation
to start coasting in our household life because things were going well,
but the Lord gave all of us a renewed zeal for the mission of our household.”

talked about how the Winter Conference was an important final step in her
return to God from anger and unbelief. “The Kairos Winter Conference was
brilliant—I got to worship the Lord; it was so freeing. I love that I can
love the Lord with my whole heart. He has set me free!”
highlight for me,” Nicole says, “was Saturday night when Mike Shaughnessy
(the NAR Kairos director) told about all the different college outreaches.
He showed us a video of the new University Christian Outreach chapter in
Alepo, Syria. Victor, from Lebanon, who served in Detroit last year, was
in the video. It was great to see.”
went to the winter conference with a feeling that I
a large change in my spiritual life,” Rob shared. “Over the past semester,
I had started to use UCO more as a social club than a Christian community.
I still attended the parties, but I was going less and less to the regular
meetings. I told people I had too much school work. While this was not
completely untrue, I could have found time for a daily prayer time and
for UCO prayer meetings.
conference made me realize that with God’s help I could make a change and
maintain it. My ‘funk’ lifted, and I made a schedule to help me be faithful
in my spiritual life. I also decided that I needed to be more charismatic
in my worship, something I had never really done and had often made excuses
for. I now have hope that I can continue making progress in my life with
the Lord.”