To begin with, let’s look at someone in the Bible who was in the midst of trying circumstances. In Psalm 11, the writer shows us how he responds to crises in his life. He begins with his bottom line: “In the Lord I take refuge.” He goes on to quote those who are urging him to panic: How then can you say to me:Don’t we hear these voices in the media? The frantic tone, the call to panic, the claim that the troubles of the day are unprecedented. In the face of this voice, I find myself oscillating between two responses: “Man, I’ve got to do something!” and “All hope is lost!” So what is the psalmist’s response? The Lord is in his holy temple;The psalmist’s response is that, fundamentally, the Lord is in control of what is going on in the world. God is not on the defensive, reacting to world events. The image of God being in the temple, being on the throne, communicates power, authority, rule. The world is his, and he is directing events to accomplish his own purposes in the world. So how does God want us to respond to crises around us? Verse 1 shows us the posture we should take: “In the Lord I take refuge.” Go
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