May 2009 - Vol. 30

The Battle is the Lord's, by Paul Jordan, continued


The Spirit spreads
The giant is down and David quickly finishes the job. But now look what happens to the spectator peoples: “When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled. And the men of Israel and Judah rose with a shout …” A few verses ago Israel was dismayed. Deeply afraid. But now Israel lets out a great shout. You can bet there was some dancing that night. 

Since God lives, David lives and as David lives out his call, the people around him come to life. 

Happy day
What a story. You would tell your children about it. And your children’s children. And your children’s children would tell their friends. “My Grandfather was there when David took out Goliath. The Philistines ran away that day!”

On that day David remembered the truth that God is alive. And it fired his hope. Whilst the people hid in their mental caves David rose to be fully alive.

On that day young David stepped out – even against popular opinion. Whilst many preferred to wallow in selfish fear, David carried the flag, confident in God.

On that day David took his place in the battle, he put himself on the line to bring glory to the name of the Lord. 

Fast forward
The simple truth is that the Kingdom of God is built on the backs of men and women like David. With a hope that fires courage in the face of fear. Who take steps confident in the promises of the Lord. And who are, above all, ready to sacrifice for the sake of the glory of the Lord. For that is what it means to love him.

The story of David and Goliath ends with a brief interchange between David and the King: “And King Saul said to him, ‘Whose son are you, young man?’ And David answered, ‘I am the son of your servant Jesse from Bethlehem.’”

Israel had more battles to fight, but years later a baby would be born in Bethlehem who would win once and for all. An anointed shepherd king, a descendant of David, would be born. One who would battle “Goliath” with a cross and usher in a new age for the whole human race.

The battle is, and always was, the Lord’s.

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