May 2008 - Vol. 19

Stephen (A Garland)

poem by Ana Teresa Carranza

His blood fell 
Like the first drops of paint 
On the white canvas. 
Witness witnessing, 
Because he had seen 
First jewel of the crown. 

And life kept dripping, mixing, creating 
Of colours and shapes, 
Of light and of shade, 
And what you and I do, today, and tomorrow –
We paint; 
Because we have seen, 
Witnesses witnessing, 
Living or dying, we paint 
New jewels of the crown.

Ana Teresa Carranza moved from Jesed Community in Monterrey, Mexico, to Antioch Community in London, UK. She is currently studying English literature and participates in Koinonia, the university outreach of Antioch Community in London.

* Bohemian garnet crown jewel from the National Czech & Slovak Museum

(c) copyright 2008  The Sword of the Spirit
publishing address: Park Royal Business Centre, 9-17 Park Royal Road, Suite 108, London NW10 7LQ, United Kingdom