The People of God Community “Once you were no people, but now you are God's people” - 1 Peter 2:10 by Connie Maletta In the late 1960s and the early 1970s a new movement of Christian covenant communities began in the United States and quickly grew throughout the world. One of these founding communities is the People of God community, located in Coraopolis near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Connie Maletta, a member of the People of God community, tells the story of its beginnings — from a tiny seed to its transformation into a charismatic ecumenical transgenerational Christian community.Like a tiny seed One word, like a tiny seed, can sow a tree and produce a forest which spans the horizon as far as one can see! When Bob and Bobbie Tedesco first met in April of 1959, neither of them would have begun to imagine the path that God had in mind for them. They started dating in June of that year and in June of 1961 they were married. Bob began working for Boeing Aircraft in Washington state and so they moved across the country. They both shared the same expectations of their marriage, to be together for the rest of their lives, raise a family, have good friends and be good friends with those they met along the way. In 1970 Bob and Bobbie began attending prayer meetings together. Their faith grew as they prayed weekly and listened to God’s word. They asked the prayer group to pray with them to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Soon after, they returned to the Pittsburgh area and began looking for a prayer group to meet with for spiritual support in their newly-found walk with God. There were a number of small prayer groups forming all over the Greater Pittsburgh area. Each group met regularly, usually one evening a week. But with many people coming and going, like a revolving door, Bob and Bobbie sensed a need and a call to be part of a community of people who wanted to be more committed to sharing their lives and resources together for the Lord's work.
my people together"
In 1973, when Bob and Bobbie began inviting people to meet together for prayer, study and discussion on forming a Christian community, they were already very busy raising their family of seven active children. Right from the beginning, they sensed that God wanted a community encompassing single men and women, families and couples, from various Christian traditions and churches, to join together as an ecumenical, charismatic, covenant community, not just for the duration of their lives, but for future generations as well. "Build
to last"
Bob recognized from the beginning the enormous task in building a Christian
community and the necessity to learn from and work with other builders
of Christian communities. Bob sought out helpful counsel and support from
The Word of God community in Ann Arbor, one of the founding covenant communities
in the USA. In 1982 the People of God became an affiliate member of The
Sword of the Spirit, an association of ecumenical communities around
the world. Establishing close relationships with other Christian communities
has proven over the years to be a great source of wisdom, teaching, support,
and lasting relationships.
closer together
Tom began full time employment with the community in 1988, leaving a
career of 12 years as a Guidance Counselor at Central Catholic High School
in Pittsburgh. Tom is currently serving his second term as the senior
coordinator of the community, following Bob Tedesco who served in that
capacity for the previous 25 years.
and development
We have established an active University Christian Outreach (UCO) chapter that has doubled in size over this past year as well as a high school youth program. Summer camp for kids in the 3rd through 6th grade began in 1999 and has been going stronger each year and an outstanding children’s ministry takes place during our general gatherings. We have sponsored innumerable conferences, retreats, concerts, healing services, campouts, breakfasts and other evangelistic activities. Nearly 65% of our members live in clusters, the first formed in Coraopolis, then followed by the Laurel Gardens (North Hills) and the South Hills areas. Others of the community are spread apart geographically; those at the farther ends are located approximately 50 mile in one direction or the other from the community office in Coraopolis and must travel equal time to attend community gatherings and small group meetings. But they do so with willing hearts to be with the brothers and sisters of the community and to be part of a stronghold of the Lord. There has been a lot of work in developing family life, Lord’s Day celebrations, and sharing everyday life experiences. There are about 140 adults in the community. Our membership is mostly Catholic, with several Protestant families and a Byzantine couple as well. We place great value on the ecumenical aspect of our life together. We hold regular community gatherings, small groups and several yearly retreats. Each November we gather to celebrate our community birthday. Many of our members attend The Sword of the Spirit summer conferences; YES retreats; SIP and GAP programs and the various mission trips. We were accepted as a fully formed member community within The Sword of the Spirit in 1997.
In an effort to pass on the vision of community life an initiations group called Koinonia has been formed. The focus of this group is to introduce Post-University Christian Outreach folks to the call of the Lord toward community life. They have responded enthusiastically to the teachings, community care and the fellowship that they enjoy with others across the district lines. Many of them have entered into “underway” commitments with the wider body of the People of God community. Our leadership consists of seven men who serve as coordinators; five men who serve on the Senior Men’s Leaders Team; seven women on the Senior Women’s Leader’s Team; a number of pastoral leaders, small group leaders; and a full time youth worker; all assisted by service teams and a host of others willing to step up to serve in any way necessary. We are truly a blessed people. Through these many years, our life together hasn’t always gone smoothly, the community continues to thrive, and the Lord brightens our path and leads us on. He has blessed us with strong, steadfast leadership and a bond of brotherhood and sisterhood throughout the world that steadies our ship even in the roughest storms of community life. God is good and He is faithful; all we need do is rely on Him and He will sustain us. God continues to be our light and we hope always to reflect that light to others. . |
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publishing address: Park Royal Business Centre, 9-17 Park Royal Road, Suite 108, London NW10 7LQ, United Kingdom email: living.bulwark@yahoo.com |
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