May 2008 - Vol. 19 > EspaƱol

An Open Door for Mission, continued

Members of Comunidad Cuerpo de Cristo (Body of Christ Community) in Santo Domingo 
welcome the ICM participants with song

Retreat Center where the ICM was held near Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

265 coordinators and mission leaders, from 64 communities and 22 countries, attended the ICM in Santo Domingo.

View of historic church bell tower in Santo Domingo. Bartholomew Columbus, brother of Christopher Columbus, founded Santo Domingo in 1496 and named it after Saint Dominic. Santo Domingo is the oldest European city in the New World.

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photos by Nico Angleys

Impressions from participants

Jaime Soto was the overall organizer for the ICM

For the Ibero-Americana Region it has been a tremendous blessing to host the International Coordinators Meeting and the international assemblies. The comments of many Spanish-speaking brothers who participated in the events is that they have been strongly renewed to serve the Lord and the mission of the Sword of the Spirit.

Jaime Soto
Regional President

This was a great time to seek the Lord both as disciples and coordinators representing our diverse communities all over the world.

I was personally overwhelmed by a fresh breeze of vision for greater unity and mission.

My prayer for us and myself is for the ability to obey the word which the Lord spoke to us during this time together, and to take it back to our communities for immediate action.

Krikor Elmayan
Illuminator's Lamp, Beirut, Lebanon

Worshipping and praising God together with brothers from diverse branches of orthodox Christianity (Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox), and diverse cultures, languages, and countries, allowed me to experience in the flesh the reality expressed by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans that all Christians are called to worship and glorify God in unity and harmony.  In the midst of our diversity at the ICM, we experienced the call to accept one another as brothers in Christ. In that reality we can stand together and praise God with one voice, mind, and purpose (Romans 15:6). It was great to experience at the ICM not only the vision but reality of this gift of unity. 

Bob Sabean, 
Tree of Life Community, San Jose, Costa Rica

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publishing address: Park Royal Business Centre, 9-17 Park Royal Road, Suite 108, London NW10 7LQ, United Kingdom