2008 - Vol. 19
> Español
An Open Door for
Mission, continued

The Assembly
elected Jean Barbara (left) as the next president of the Sword of the Spirit.
He will begin serving as president in May of 2009 when Steve Clark's term
of office expires.

Dave Hughes (left center) was
elected chairman of the Assembly of Ecumenical Communities. The role of
the AEC is to help in the development of the life of the ecumenical communities
in the Sword of the Spirit.

Coordinators of the People of
Hope community receive an ovation for their untiring dedication over the
years – often
under adverse circumstances –
in building Christian community and fostering Christian renewal.

A highlight
of the ICM was an honoring session for Steve Clark, President of the Sword
of the Spirit. Steve was honored for his role in founding the Sword of
the Spirit and the Servants of the Word, a missionary brotherhood of men
living single for the Lord in the Sword of the Spirit. Many participants
noted Steve's untiring gift for teaching, laying the groundwork for building
communities, and coming along side numerous future leaders by providing
them with guidance, support, pastoral care, and formation in leadership.

Trevor Perry (right), senior
coordinator of Antioch Community, London, England, and a number of other
coordinators, on behalf of their respective communities, signed the covenant
of full membership with the Sword of the Spirit.
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from participants
in New Zealand brings the reality that “everywhere else is a long way to
travel.” The trip to Santo Domingo was the 67th time I have left our shores
in my capacity of Christian service. The International Coordinators Meeting
was indeed a real highlight and encouragement. Compared to all of my previous
travels I can honestly say that this ICM was extraordinary and special
to me. The level of relationship, brotherhood, and joy was significant.
The working of the Holy Spirit was evident. The depth of commitment to
move our work forward was impacting. I am grateful to God that I was there.
of God, Christchurch, New Zealand
Des Dick,
the regional president of the Sword of the Spirit in Europe and the Middle
East, opened the first prayer session of the ICM with the story of the
woman in Luke 12 who pours out a very expensive jar of precious ointment
to anoint Jesus. Jesus praises her extravagant waste! Des asked the question:
was the effort, time, and expense of bringing leaders from all over the
world to the ICM a waste? No – all of us sensed that God had called us
to gather together. He wanted to speak his word to us together. He wanted
to anoint us and equip us for the mission that lies ahead.
I received a renewal of my call to service in the Sword of the Spirit.
I was greatly encouraged by the fellowship of the brothers and humbled
at the generous and loving service of the brothers and sisters in the Body
of Christ Community who hosted us. May God bless them and bless us along
with our brothers and sisters in our local communities throughout the Sword
of the Spirit.
of the Risen Christ, Glasgow, Scotland
assessment of the 2008 ICM is highly positive. The spiritual level of this
encounter has been remarkable. The Lord has spoken clearly and, whether
through the meditations, the gatherings, the church services or the long
times of prayer, the message has reached deep into those attending. The
level of experience of brotherhood, tangible and experiential, has also
reached tremendous heights. Love among the brothers has been above the
diversity of cultures, languages and countries. The teaching has been deep,
clear, straightforward and challenging. The vision it has stated, concerning
the mission of the Sword of the Spirit, is of a broad scope.
conclusion, the Sword of the Spirit can only be understood on the basis
of God’s universality. All of us have received a tremendous lesson – the
love, the greatness, the mission and vision of the Sword of the Spirit
could not be reduced to a particular and local community reality. The SOS
overflows all realities – personal, particular and local. I thank God for
this conference, because it has been a beautiful and deep experience of
God’s people.
Señorio de Jesús, Vitoria, Spain
more participants reflections > here
by Nico Angleys |