March 2008 - Vol. 17
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Back Issues '06-07
Dying to Defeat Death: The death of Jesus was a victory over death itself,
  by Steve Clark

Mary Magdalene: A portrait of love stronger than death,
  by Jeanne Kun
The Obedient Son: The humility of the Son of the King, by Steve Clark
Awakened to Eternity: A journey of poems for Pastiontide and Easter, by Jeanne Kun, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Holy, Holy, Holy: Isaiah’s Call and Mission – and Ours, by Tom Mangan, Pittsburgh, USA
Rooted in God’s Word: One of the most effective ways we can be rooted in Christ, by Jeanne Kun, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
The Ten Plagues: Spiritual Lessons for us today, by Don Schwager, London, UK
Plague of the Firstborn and Christ’s Death on the Cross: an artist’s portrayal of redemption, by Yvette Rock, Detroit, USA
In the Furnace of God’s Love, Janice Firn, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Entering the Heart of the Storm, by Paul Jordan, Leuven, Belgium
Trees by the Stream, a poem by Ana Teresa Carranza, by London, UK
The Road: Seekers or carriers of the flame?
a book review by Jon Wilson, Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA

Living Bulwark is committed to fostering renewal of the whole Christian people: Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox. We especially want to give witness to the charismatic, ecumenical, evangelistic, and community dimensions of that renewal. Living Bulwark seeks to equip Christians to grow in holiness, to apply Christian teaching to their lives, and to respond with faith and generosity to the working of the Holy Spirit in our day.
Visits since October, 2006

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