Christ has overcome these forces not by might or meeting force with force, but by submission to the will of God his Father. Man is reconciled with God through this one act of his Son. All beings can now see the depth of evil that had come from the rebellion of Satan, the brightest of the angelic host. No wonder then that all of creation joined in this release from the stranglehold of evil. The good news was this – that there was another way of fighting evil and that was the way of love: a love that was self emptying (Philippians 2:11). This was the way of Jesus Christ, which revealed this outflowing love at the heart of the Trinity. Non-violent, unselfish, and gentle in nature, it was to become the way of a new people of God. They would in turn suffer for this way, this means of subverting evil. The sun had risen on a new era. Everything was different, now that these words were accepted by God the Father. From now on there would be help at hand; the Holy Spirit was promised when the Son returned to the Father, and this Spirit would support and confirm everything the Son had said and done. A helper in times of stress and weakness who would encourage and energize the people of God. These words then are not the sign of defeat or humiliation – nor of dejection and throwing in of the towel, as it were – but words of triumph in the face of all that evil could muster. Truly the greatest words ever spoken by the greatest person who walked this earth. The resurrection would follow, the natural follow-on of this great deed. Go
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