March 2009 - Vol. 28

The Seven Last Words of Jesus

oil paintings and reflections by John Dunne

click on each image below to view large painting and commentary

The Word of Forgiveness

The Word of Salvation

The Word of Affection

The Word of Physical Torment

The Word of Despair

The Word of Commital

The Word of Triumph
John Dunne is a noted Irish painter. He and his wife are members of Nazareth Community in Dublin, Ireland. Throughout his career as an accomplished artist, John has traveled in many countries. He has absorbed influences from the Far East and the Mediterranean. His interests include theology and its relationship to art. He has a degree in theology. 

For many years he has worked on different themes which are based in literature. Three examples are childrens' games as played in Dublin during his childhood, the great legends of the Irish hero Cuchulain, interpreted by the Irish poet Thomas Kinsilla, and a series of ten large paintings based on the poem "Dream of Gerontius" by John Henry Newman.

With all the sacred themes which he paints, John will spend many years researching the material, exploring the theological implications of the particular story and allowing images to come to birth that will point to what lies behind them.

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